The Josh Saga: Part 2

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"what. the. fuck!?"
"what the fuck, do you guys know each other somehow?" you asked, concerned

"yes, but I'm not sure if he remembers me" Cheesson explained
"HELLLLLOOOO!?!?!?" Steve yells "what about my golden, supreme-branded lambo!?"
"nobody cares about your car right now, steven" you verbally smack some sense into him

the air feels thick like cupcakke's ahh and you take a deep breath.
"josh, do you remember me?" Cheeson questions your brother "look into my eyes and tell me"
"where exactly should i look?" Josh asks. "oh, my bad, just lookie here" Cheeson replied

"OFFICER CHEES!?" he shouts
"exactly josh." cheeson confirms
you look at Cheeson and then look back at Josh, "oh, wow" you say with a dull face. Steve walks away with a sulk on his face and his hands in his pockets but nobody noticed.

You both look away from Cheeson only to hear a sparkle noise and see a light beam where Cheeson was...

wheel of cheese x female readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang