The lab

663 14 107

March 26th 1986
The police car

Will had been had in the back of the car for nearly six and a half hours.

He was tired and really had to use the bathroom.

Was he really that bad?! Was he a criminal.

Hell, maybe he was just like his father.. People we're right!

"Uh.. Wh-Where are we going?" Will asked, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

"Shh." The cop hushed.

Will leaned back, and looked out the window.

'I'm such a horrible person... I'm sorry Angela..' He thought.

His eyes widened and he quickly shook his head.

'Wait- no I'm not! She's a bitch! She deserved what she got! She made fun of me. She insulted me. I'm not sorry.' He thought.

He closed his eyes, and imagined the car stopping.

All of a sudden the car froze in place, sending Will launching forward.

Will groaned softly when his face came in contact with the seat infront of him, he leaned back and fixed himself.

He looked up and watched as the male cop rolled down his window.

"Is William Byers back there?" Someone asked.

The cop glanced back at Will, looked back and nodded.

He heard a pleased sigh, and a ruffling noise before the voice spoke up.

"We'll take him off your hands."

Suddenly the door on Will's side was opened by a giant, built man in all black, he was bald, and had a scary tattoo on the one side of his head, and he wore black sunglasses.

He grabbed Will and began dragging him to a black van.

"What the hell?! Let me go!" Will shouted.

He was shoved in the back seat, and before he could wrap his head around what was happening, a cloth went over his mouth and nose, and everything went black.



Will awoke with a gasp, and looked around.

He was laying on a bed, and he was in a hospital gown.

"God.. My head hurts.." He whined.

He placed his hand on his head and-

His hair!! Where was his hair?! What?!

He jumped off the bed, falling. He quickly got up and ran to the mirror.

His eyes widened and he felt himself start to cry.

'What the fuck is happening?? Why is this happening?! Where am I?' He thought.

Our happy ending (Byler) [BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now