Lucas' pep-talk

444 12 47

March 31st 1986
Creel Mansion

"How am I horrible?" Mike asked.

"You're just gonna leave Will alone while a monster from the Upside Down who wants too kill him is trying to find him." Lucas explained.

"He asked-" Mike began.

"I don't care." Lucas cut him off.

"You know what..? Shut up for a moment and let me tell you something." Lucas said.

Mike leaned into the couch, ready to listen to his friend.

"Wanna know what holds the group together?" Lucas asked, "You." He said, poking Mike's shoulder.

Mike looked over at him, raising a brow.

"When we met El that night Will went missing, I feel like we lost you somewhere.. The real you" Lucas sighed, "you've changed, Mike.. You're not the person you were before." Lucas stated.

"Bullshit!" Mike yelled.

"Shut.Up." Lucas snapped, "we need to be quiet so Vecna won't know we're here, dumbass."

Mike rolled his eyes, and sunk back deeper into the couch.

"What we need, is the old you back.. The Mike who cares about Will, the Mike who's whole personality and life wasn't just El. The Mike who jumped off a cliff for Dustin." Lucas said, he stared at the now teary-eyed Mike, "The Mike who's deeply in love with Will.." Lucas said.

Mike's head turned and he stared at Lucas in shock.

"When we first seen El, I took your relationship as a joke, because I knew you didn't like her, I knew you actually liked Will, Mike. I had a feeling.." Lucas began, he stopped for a breath, and continued, "when El dumped you last year, you should've seen how excited Will was! How excited you were! You were glad.." Lucas said.

"I was miserable.." Mike muttered.

"But deep down, in your heart, you were happy you didn't have to push your feelings into loving her."

Mike nodded sadly at Lucas' words.

"Look at you now! You're a single man, with a deep love for his best friend.. And I think you should go for it.. Will loves you, man.. And I know it." Lucas said, smiling.

Mike nodded again, and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"He does..?" He asked.

"Trust me.. When he looks at you, you can see the happiness and love in his eyes."

Mike inhaled shakily, and got up as he exhaled.

"I'll go find him.." Mike whispered.

"Good. Tell him." Lucas said.

"I'll try." Mike smiled.

"As long as you try.." Lucas said.

Mike set off to find Will, when he did, he found him carrying a blue lantern in one of the bedrooms, upstairs.

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