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January 3rd 1995
Hawkins Indiana

Will had been home since August, after waking up from his coma last January.

The shocking thing about this, might be the fact that Will is twenty-three years old.

He's so used to the pity from people due to the fact he didn't get to live the rest of his childhood, but he's just glad to be alive.

He was sitting on the couch in his and Mike's living room.

Their friends and family were coming over, and Will was a little nervous.

It wasn't just the fact that Will was now legally blind, but the fact he hasn't had human contact other than Mike since last January when he woke up.

"Mike?" Will called.

He heard foot-steps grow closer, then they stopped. He flinched when a hand touched his shoulder.

"Sorry, Will.. It's just me." Mike said, moving to sit beside his boyfriend.

"Do you think it's gonna be okay if everyone comes over all at once?" Will asked.

"Will, I told you multiple times, if you want to cancel, everyone will understand.." Mike said, rubbing circles on his back.

Will blinked a couple of times, and shook his head.

"No..No I'm fine. I want them too, it'll be nice hearing their voices again. And I want to congratulate Holly." Will smiled.

Holly had gotten her driver's license recently, now that she was sixteen, and Will hasn't gotten the chance to congratulate her.

"She's very excited to tell you all about it." Mike said.

"How do you know?" Will asked.

Mike smiled even though Will couldn't see it.

"Because, she called yesterday and asked about you." Mike said.

Will nodded, and a knock suddenly was heard on the door.

"I think Nance and Robin are here. They're excited for you to meet their kid." Mike said.

Nancy and Robin had adopted a baby when they turned twenty-two, they couldn't wait for Will to meet the baby, unfortunately, he's not a baby anymore now that he's eight.

"He's the sweetest thing." Mike said, making his way to the door.

When he opened it, Nancy wrapped him in a hug, and Robin walked in, holding her son's hand.

"Hey, Will." Robin said, entering the living room.

"Robin..? Your voice sounds a bit different." Will said.

Robin laughed a little.

"I know.. It's all the yelling I do." Robin said, poking her son's side playfully.

He giggled and Will smiled.

"Wanna meet Ian?" Robin asked.

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