The Upside Down

490 11 92

November 6th 1983
The Upside Down

"Oh.. And guys? Don't try to be heroes." Steve said, turning to his boyfriend, and Dustin.

"Don't worry, Stevie.." Eddie said, "I mean.. Look at us.. We are definitely not heroes." Eddie scoffed.

Steve playfully rolled his eyes before following Nancy and Robin to the hiding spot.

"Are you sure this'll work?" Dustin asked, once the others were out of ear-shot.

"We got this, Dustin." Eddie said, walking back inside his trailer.

He held the door for Dustin, who ran straight back to Eddie's room.

Eddie followed, and pushed him out of the way so he could go in first, once he was inside he smiled at the guitar.

He walked over and picked it up, turning around to look at Dustin.

"Are you ready for he most metal concert ever?" He asked.

Dustin laughed at this.

"Is that a rhetorical question?" Dustin said, smiling.

Eddie chuckled quietly, before heading out with Dustin.


The trio found a nice hiding spot behind Skull Rock, they crouched behind the rock, keeping quiet.

"We got this." Robin repeated for the seventh time.

Nancy and Steve were skeptical of this plan, and didn't wanna do it anymore.

"What if one of them get hurt?" Steve asked.

Robin rolled her eyes.

"Will's gonna die if we don't do this! Do you want that, Steve?" Robin asked, she noticed Nancy had a guilty look and she turned her attention to her, "Nance?"

Nancy hummed softly in response, and turned her head to look at her girlfriend.

"Do you want that, Nancy?" Robin asked, rephrasing her question.

"Of course not. I love Will, he's like a little brother to me!" Nancy said.

"Then we do this.. For Will." Robin said.

Nancy nodded, and Steve joined in.

"For Will." The two said in unison.

They heard a noise... A guitar, playing in the distance, and Steve began to smile.

"Eds.." He whispered to the girls.

They nodded and smiled.

"Thank God.. We better start heading over." Nancy whispered.

Steve and Robin nodded, and they left their hiding spot.


Dustin and Eddie were headbanging as Eddie played Master Of Puppets on his guitar. It was one of his favorite songs, and he knew it would lure in the demo-bats.

"Turn it up, Henderson!" Eddie shouted, as his fingers played along the strings of the instrument.

Dustin moved to the little speaker everything was connected to, he turned up the volume, and covered his ears as the guitar got louder.

Dustin's ears began to ring, but he still was headbanging with Eddie.

He looked over at the sky and screamed.

"EDDIE! STOP! WE GOTTA GO!!" He screamed.

Eddie looked up as well, and instantly stopped playing, dropping his guitar on the roof of his trailer, he and Dustin jumped down, and ran inside.

Dustin slammed the door shut as Eddie took a second to breathe.

"Jesus Christ! What the hell was that?!" Eddie asked.

"Demo-bats. They're like the Demogorgon but bats.. I personally think they give off more Demo-dog vibes, if you've seen one you wou-" Dustin began.

"Shut the hell up, Henderson! We gotta find a way to stop them." Eddie Said, cutting off Dustin's rant.

"They're outside! What are they going to do? Bre-" Dustin got cut off again by a noise.

Eddie jumped back, pulling Dustin behind him, protectively.

The demo-bats were trying to break into the trailer.

"My room... Go!" Eddie shouted.

Dustin quickly ran back into Eddie's room, and to the rope they used to get to the Upside Down.

Eddie used all his strength to push his kitchen table against the door, so the whole thing was blocked.

"ShitShitShitShitShit!" He panicked.

He heard a rustling noise coming from the ceiling, he looked up at the ground metal plate his uncle put there, he realized it was trying to be opened by the bats, and he quickly put his shield against it, blocking off the bats from coming in.

"EDDIE!" Dustin's voice called.

Eddie quickly ran back into his room, seeing Dustin wasn't in the Upside Down anymore, but in Eddie's real room.

"Eddie! Hurry up! Climb through." Dustin said.

Eddie quickly jumped up on the rope, but froze when he heard a clock ringing.

He stared at Dustin in shock and fear, he was pretty sure he heard Chrissy screaming for him.

"Eddie! C'mon man! Come on!" Dustin shouted, his voice filling with worry.

"EDDIE?!" Chrissy's voice distantly called.

"Chrissy.." Eddie muttered.

"Eddie! Hurry!" Dustin shouted.

Eddie quickly glanced at Dustin, then to where the clock and Chrissy's voice came from.

He began slowly going back down the rope.

"Eddie?! What are you doing?!" Dustin asked, holding back tears.

Eddie stared Dustin dead in the eyes and gulped as his feet hit the ground.

"Buying more time." He said, cutting the rope so Dustin couldn't get through.

"Eddie?! Eddie please don't!! EDDIE!!" Dustin screamed.

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