
490 11 56

March 30th 1986
Somewhere in California

"Will.." Jane panted, stopping in her tracks.

Will stopped walking and turned around to face his sister.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"We gotta take a break. We've been walking since yesterday.. We aren't even sure we're going the right way!" She exclaimed.

Will stared at her blankly, before sighing.

"Yes we do. Were going the right way." He said.

"It's still dark, can we at least nap?" She asked.

Will looked around at their surroundings.

"In the middle of nowhere?" He asked, turning to stare at her, "We don't even know if this is a road or not!" He exclaimed.

"Please.." She begged.

Will flung his arms up, but rested them by his side.

"Fine.. Just be careful." He said.

She nodded, and moved to sit on the ground.

Will heard a buzzing noise, and glanced at Jane.

"Do you.. Hear that?" He asked.

She stared at him for a moment, but her eyebrow raised and she nodded.

Will looked up and gasped.

In the beautiful pink and purple mixed sky, had been a black helicopter, floating around.

Jane quickly stood up, and walked up to Will, standing beside him.

"What do we do?" She asked.

"We're not sure if they're even a threat."

"What if they are?"

"Jane, please.." He sighed.

"Sorry.." She mumbled.

Eventually a gun shot was heard, and a bullet landed beside Will, making Jane jump out of the way.

"Stand behind me!" Will shouted.

Jane moved and stood behind Will, holding onto the back of the gown he was wearing.

Will's one hand shot into the air, and he slowly twisted it, making the helicopter spin.

Another bullet landed beside Will, and after that more and more began raining down.

He lifted his other hand up, realizing how dangerous this threat was.

He began spinning the helicopter in many different directions.

Will felt weak, and less powerful, the helicopter was too heavy for him.

Eventually Jane came out of hiding and lifted her hands up, noticing Will's struggle with the helicopter.

Our happy ending (Byler) [BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now