1. A fresh start.

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5, maybe 6 stories high, a tall brick building stood in-front of her, although being 5'9, felt this was, scarily, tall. "This is, .. not anything less then intimidating." Skyla thought to herself, noticing the decoration used around each window; (poorly) painted white and finished with flowers in teeny terracotta pots resting next to the window.

Skyla Tanashi, a 19 year old with wavy - but not curly - brown hair just past her shoulder; and two oddly different coloured streaks in the front of her hair. She says she's born with it, supposedly inherited, but one streak is a cool grey- tinted blue, then the other streak on the left of her hair is blonde.

With glowing, judging, and bright blue eyes she leered over the ground ahead of her, and gripped onto her black backpack, decorated with a keychain that had a glittery resin S - presumably for her first name, - as she walked cautiously up to the bricks with a heavy sigh, as a text makes her phone buzz within her left hand, reading;

Mother: I hope you stay safe, and remember, keep it hidden.

Skyla faced her phone down, ignoring and not responding to the text, as she walked into the large, maybe 9ft tall entrance, and glanced around studying the surroundings to find a desk; which she walked up to and asked for some sign in papers.

"I hope Tanner's behind me, and I didn't loose him. Sucks if I did." Fluorescent orange eyes showed one or two thoughts, on this 6ft tall, yet wide man. Exhaling as he jogged towards the entrance our other main character, Skyla, had just passed through seconds before, Cooper Adler, another student of this new and casual university, was 18, and had also just been accepted into Fremantle. With his short, bright orange hair moving with him as he walked into the entrance, spotting Skyla at the desk that he recognised you had to sign in at.

Walking up to the desk, he decided he would converse with Skyla. "Yo!" Cooper called out whilst wearing a friendly smile on his face as he walked up behind her. Visibly startled, Skyla turned her head towards Cooper, and cleared her throat, "Oh! Uhm, hello!" she said, transparently not expecting a conversation.

"You also new here or is it just me and my friend?" Cooper paused to look behind him at the entrance; not seeing anyone recognisable, and turning back to her and muttering, "Geez Tanner takes a while to get here, doesn't he."

In that moment- a girl with long, pastel salmon pink hair also walked through the entrance of the building. Shoko Nishimiya stayed relatively silent as she closed the door behind her- clutching her little notebook as she walked up behind the other two at the registration desk. She gave a shy little smile to the two before she glanced back at the ground, timidly.

"Oh- Uhm.." Skyla stuttered and then paused for a second, thinking of what to say, then chuckled as she said "Yeah I'm new here as well, I just wasn't expecting a strike of conversation as I walked in though." she glanced back to the papers and wrote in some boxes that had a requirement to be filled, thinking she made the conversation less awkward.

"What's your name?" Skyla turned back to Cooper, with a curious look in her face. She seemed to not have even noticed the girl behind Cooper, so her focus was purely on him - and her sign in papers.

Then, with Skyla noticing a male who had short, dark blue hair running straight towards Cooper with rage in his bright blue eyes, as Cooper went to respond to Skyla with an inhale, "Oh! My name's Coope-ooWOWOW- OW!" he exclaimed as the man with dark blue hair had caught up to him and was yelling out, whilst pulling Cooper's orange hair, "Cooper! You short stuff, come here!! What's the big idea leaving me huh?!"

"STOP IT I'M SORRY TANNER! YOU WERE JUST TOO SLOW IDIOT-!" Cooper shouted back at the tall man, who had a literal expression of -_- on his face. Whilst the two were yelling at each other, Skyla giggled watching their interaction - noticing they had a good friendship.

Shoko, of course couldn't hear Tanner (because she's deaf) coming as she was knocked out of the way by Tanner. She fell on her butt next to Skyla- her notebook slid on the ground as she let out a quiet little whimper, frantically searching around for her notebook while emitting strange little Shoko noises. Skyla notices Shoko's notebook slide next to her, and Skyla picked it up and handed it back to her with an obviously forced smile, but quickly averted her attention back to the boys, "Interesting." she thought to herself, studying them.

"Cooper, was it?" She asked, whilst glancing at Cooper, making sure to catch his attention. "I'm Skyla, Sky if you wish." - Shoko, who was still on the ground, had given a smile to Sky for getting her notebook back; but Shoko quickly realised Sky was too focused on Cooper and Tanner, and her smile turned into a frown.

"Ah! Nice to meet you Sky!" Cooper said before turning around and picking up Tanner as a whole, and placing him so there was a metre or two distance so Tanner would stop grabbing Cooper's hair.

Skyla, finishing her sign-in papers as she grabbed her keys, and said "Nice to meet you as well, Cooper." she said with a smile, before looking at her phone and realising the time read 12:03pm. "Shoot! I need to go!" she spoke, startled, as she threw her phone into her backpack and waved as she ran off - being careful of not bumping into anyone. "I'll catch you in a class or something, see yous!"

When Skyla ran off, a small note, presumably ripped off of a notebook, fell out of her bag and landed near the boys.

"Okay then! See ya later!" Cooper called out to her as Skyla ran off. He turned towards the counter and got his keys for his dorm. Then, squatting down, and throwing out his arm to help up Shoko. "Sorry about my friend there."

Shoko, startled by Cooper, grabbing his hand and standing back up again, grabbed her notebook and wrote a large and bold "Thank you" before giving a small bow towards him. Being deaf, she couldn't exactly tell what Cooper had said, but she understood vaguely judging by his lips. She hastily turned around and wrote on some sign-in papers before handing them in and getting keys to a dorm-room on the campus.

"You also heading towards the dorms?" He asked Shoko- still not aware that she was deaf. Shoko carefully watched him speak, then wrote in her notebook a lengthy "Yes! I'm also heading to the dorms....I should probably be going there now. See you later?" and timidly held the notebook for Cooper to read- as a response he nodded, and so Shoko turned on her heel, closing her notebook, and walked off.

Tanner glared at Cooper, with a confused expression. "How can you talk to so many people at once? I can barely talk to one." he huffed. "Ehh, .. comes naturally? Oh- here." Cooper responded, throwing a duplicate of his own dorm keys at Tanner, as to which Tanner caught gracefully. "Who was that girl you were talking too? She seems nice, although.. you've only been here for like, not even 10 minutes and you are already making friends. You weirdo." Tanner shrugged.

"Well- I'm sorry Mr. Anti-Social, just because you might be more appealing than I am doesn't mean you can just bully me." Cooper pouted before he looked ahead. "C'mon- let's just get to our dorm already- I'd like to put our bags down since you're too lazy to carry it." He said as he started in the direction of the dorms, motioning for Tanner to follow.

"You think I'm carrying your bags? No thanks, Mr. Royalty." Tanner said as he chased after Cooper.

Before they left too quickly, Cooper noticed the note on the ground and picked it up, and placed it in his pocket. "I'll read it later," he thought. "Got to get to the dorm and check this place out!"

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