5. Sparring, Pt 2

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"so.. Sky? Would you like to take on the poor and weak Cooper? Or are you passing this opportunity to make some art out of him to Tanner?" Gojo asked Skyla. Cooper smiled- "YEAH!— WAIT WHAT DID YOU SAY???" Cooper responded, concerned. "Umm. Sure! I'd like to fight Cooper." Sky smiled softly at Cooper. "Uhh- Okay....!" Cooper wearily replied as he made his way to one end of the oval and waited for Sky to get to her side and attack him.

Gojo shouted out, standing next to the tired and wanting to go home Tanner; "As usual! Be sure to beat the shit out of each othe— I.. mean go all out!!" He grinned, as he gave an animated thumbs up to signal they're good to go.

Sky had already started sprinting towards Cooper, strafing to the left of him so she could kick his left hip, then using her air manipulation to reinforce her kick to almost knock him down. Cooper saw her coming towards him and threw his arms in front of his hip to block the blow as much as possible- but still felt the whiplash from her attack- the blow had sent him to the side, tumbling, but he quickly regained his balance. Sky quickly raised her hand to blast herself back a few meters, allowing him some distance for him to attack back.

With Cooper leaning over the ground, the grass beneath his feet gave way as he exploded at an incredibly fast rate towards Sky, and strafed in a zig-zag like pattern before the very last moment, he jumped up and did a flip over her, too quick for her to react, and landed just behind her. He twisted around and slammed his leg into her back. "GAH!" Sky was surprised at his incredible, and raw power.

After being knocked onto the ground by his attack, she stumbled up and quickly raised her hand to clench it; making her levitate in the air so she could recollect herself as she was slightly winded. She collected her thoughts quickly, and lowered her hand, which lowered her.

Once Sky landed on the ground, she boosted towards Cooper- who was analyzing her as she closed in on him. Sky then spun herself to her side so she could kick him in the gut- but she almost hit his balls- if it weren't for him jumping backwards- though still being hit back a few meters in the process.

Gojo, watching Cooper getting his ass beat, decided to try and commentate to help out. "Cooperrr~! Can you try maybe.. Channeling some energy into your body? It might give you a bit of an advantage! Just- concentrate on your strike! Think of it flowing through your body!" Gojo cheered.

"Uhm.. Alright!" Cooper responded. He looked down at his hands, trying to visualize it. He gave up quickly, and ran towards Sky. He went to try and sweep her legs out from underneath her by sliding. She flew up in the air- so he went and tried to grab her by the ankles, as to which she quickly kicked his grip off, since he was still on the ground.

Sky blasted herself behind Cooper as he scrambled to get up again, and she quickly landed behind him, grabbing his left arm and kneeing him in the calf so he fell on his knees. Cooper hesitated- stuck in thought- but then pushed his torso up, and swung his legs around to slam his foot into her stomach. Sky fell backwards, winded from the attack, but quickly gasped for air, and flung herself forward & up with enough momentum to kick him in his chest; pushing him back.

Cooper, unfortunately didn't have enough time to block the attack, so Sky's kick knocked him unto the ground, but he got up again quite easily as she didn't put enough force into it. They were both becoming more exhausted as they sparred.

Cooper, as he stood there, looked down at his hands again, thinking about what Gojo had said. "Visualize." he thought carefully. Unfortunately for him, Skyla took this as a chance to strafe towards him and knee him in his left hip, and thanks to her placement, she decided to enforce a punch with her powers onto his right collarbone. As she focused in her punch, it inflicted more pain to him, the more power she focused into it.

Cooper stumbled backwards after Sky had let go of her grip with him, as he coughed and winced. "Nice..!" he said in response to her using her strength. Sky smiled. Cooper returned to his mind- it was becoming more clear. The energy surged within him, and he raised his hands to visualize it more. "Oh~ I get it now Gojo!" Cooper looked back at Gojo, then to Sky. He turned his hands into clenched fists, and raised them to his face as he assumed a pose that looked as if he knew martial arts.

"Come at me please- Sky." he said as a blueish-green aura started to slowly surround his figure.

Gojo analysed this, as if he just saw a caterpillar become a butterfly. "That settles it then.." He thought to himself as he watched Cooper and Sky. "Tanner!" Gojo turned to face Tanner, who was almost asleep. "Make sure you're watching, you could learn a thing or two as well." Tanner responded by rolling his eyes.

Sky chuckled, as she decided to sit in the air to witness his figure. "Muy bien! (Very good!) You found your powers!" she looked as if her guard was down.

Suddenly, she had blasted behind Cooper, looking like she had teleported. "So I can go all out, hm?~" She whispered into his right ear.

"Huh-" Cooper gasped- Skyla quickly knee'd him in his back, then blasting herself back to where she was previously. She blasted herself upwards and didn't hold herself up in the air, as she did a flip as she fell towards him-

Cooper then squatted, watching Skyla fall towards him at a fast rate, he then blasted up into the sky too- startling Skyla. He punched upwards into her chin once, but to Skyla it felt as if she had been punched twice. She tumbled within the air, but quickly stabilized herself and flew backwards a bit, readjusting her jaw. She blasted toward him in the air, and attempted to kick him multiple times- to which he blocked most of- she then reinforced her last kick with an extra wind blast, as to which his reflexes weren't fast enough.

Cooper had been hit so bad he had plummeted into the ground, and as he hit the ground a smokescreen of dust and dirt covered all sight of him. Skyla, exhausted, couldn't hold herself up in the air either, as to which she fell down onto the ground, and had landed on her knees and hands.

As the smokescreen around where Cooper had landed cleared, he was literally just laying in the dent he made within the earth- unconscious. He had passed out due to exhaustion, and using his powers for a first.

Skyla had won.

"ANNNNDDD STOP!!" Gojo announced, suddenly had teleported in between them. "That was a great fight out there you two! Unfortunately for Cooper- Sky was the one who won!!!" He clapped eagerly, waving to the nurses to come over and heal the two soldiers up.

Sky, after getting up and being healed first, walked over to Cooper as he woke up. "Good game bud." She smiled.

As cooper woke up, he mumbled- "Hmmf- Whuh.." as he accepted the head pats.

"WH- WHERE AM I!! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE FIGHT!?" He shouted into the air as he got up, unaware the fight was over.

"Oh! You lost Cooper." Gojo said as he stuck out his tongue at Cooper. "Good work to all of you!" He applauded them as they gathered in line to listen. Tanner wanting to go home, Cooper back to his eager self and Sky listening as she leaned against the air.

"Unfortunately, tomorrow we will not be doing anything as I have business related things to tend to! But! The day after, I will be taking you all out on a road trip! I'm gonna take you guys to SO many places!" Gojo said, enthusiastically.

Tanner folded his arms. "That actually sounds pretty awesome! I can't wait."

Sky jumped up and down, "I'm excited! That'll be so cool!"

Cooper, still only now realizing he lost- "Oh.. I los- WAIT! ROAD TRIP?! THAT SOUNDS GREAT!!"

Gojo smiled at their enjoyment. "Yep!! Doesn't it?! I can hire us a personal driver and everything!! Or, just an uber, but that's boring." He said as he turned on his heel and started on his way to wherever a wild Gojo goes. "Make sure to meet here at the entrance at 7am sharp! Don't be late or you'll be left behind!" He said as he poofed away.

Skyla whined. "Ugh.. I hate waking up early!"

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