3. Powers!

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Gojo gestured for Skyla to step ahead and show off her powers.

"Ooh- okay, um." Skyla stuttered before she stepped about 10 metres in-front of Cooper, Tanner and Gojo, so she didn't harm them accidentally, and she then faced the boys while she lifts her right hand, palm facing towards the ground. 

Slowly raising her hand up, Skyla herself started to levitate about 4 metres in the air. She then put her hand up with her fingers down but used her pointer finger to spin herself a full 360. "My powers are currently very finnicky, but they allow me to manipulate air and oxygen atoms upon movement and will." she smiled nervously, making sure to focus on keeping herself balanced. 

Cooper stood in awe, clenching his fists as he watched Skyla float. "SO COOL!-" he gasped.

"So I can either make you fly, or make you go flying. It's kind of like the force from star-wars." Skyla continued. "But I'm still learning about it as I discovered my powers only a few months back, so if I don't focus properly," she said before quickly moving her arm and hand from in-front of her to behind her, and then loosing balance and falling onto the ground, as some leaves about 100 metres away on a tree got blown off of the singular branch that lined up perfectly behind Sky.

"Yeah.. I just need to put focus into it." Skyla said after stumbling her way onto her feet, then walking back to the boys with an embarrassed smile.

Gojo applauded her, "Very impressive Sky!! I'm sure your powers will grow into something truly remarkable!" he said, then glancing at Tanner beside him and continuing, "Would you like to go next Tanner? I can see it even with this blindfold on- you've got more energy and power then most average supers." he complimented Tanner as he ushered for him to step up.

Actually looking interested, Tanner glanced at Gojo and shrugged. "Oh, uhh sure." - Turning forward and taking a few steps like Skyla did, he said "My powers are just fire and smoke, basically." he turned and looked back at Gojo, "How much power can I show?"

"Feel free to show as much as you want! I am the most powerful here after-all, so if anything happens I'll be able to stop it." Gojo responded; sounding cocky with a slight grin showing.

"Alright." Tanner then took a slow, deep breath closing his eyes, then flames start to build up around his body, after a minute of silence a war axe made of fire started to form in his hand. While the axe was forming a big gust of blue flame shot out from his back. His eyes brightened with a blue hue.

Standing there with his eyes rested, but still bright and the flames around him slowly burning the green grass beneath him, Tanner heavily exhaled out steam, as his face went emotionless.

Gojo analysed and noticed Tanner's emotionless and still stance, and slowly moved his hand out of his pocket in case something happened.

 Tanner, out of nowhere, slapped himself; startling Skyla, and concerning Gojo. "Sorry," Tanner said, sounding a little out of breath. "I still can't handle this form yet." he said before the flames on him dispersed.

Skyla leaned back, placing her palm facing the ground so she could levitate and watch what happened. "Very flashy, I like it!" she smiled cheerfully. Gojo nodded, "Oh my! Very flashy indeed! And all that power as well~! You'll be a very good and powerful super one day." Gojo said as he gave a thumbs up to Tanner with a big smile.

"Now-" Gojo turned to his side to face Cooper as Tanner walked back to them. "-for you Cooper!" 

"Yes sir!!" Cooper saluted to Gojo before stepping in-front. "So! I have no idea what my powers are and how to use them!" Cooper proudly announced, making Sky giggle slightly and Tanner sigh, folding his arms.

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