7. An enemy!

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A dark-skinned figure emerges from the forest which was sitting next to them, appearing like he had just teleported there- because he wasn't there previously. He was wearing a dark, leather jacket which he had his hands in the pockets of, and you could see a pale tan shirt that complimented his medium-grey jeans that looked like they had too many holes to count. His face had scars and burns and other remnants from previous battles, and yet his body language shows he knows he can easily beat these three kids. "Yeah," he speaks in a really calm, soothing and obnoxious voice that had crackles within certain vowels. He continues; "I hear that." in an annoying way that stuck in their heads, echoing like a bell.

"H-Huh? Who the heck are you?!" Cooper said before he paused for a moment...and knocked his head like you would knock on a door. "Your voice is like...really irritating, sir...It's like ringing in my head and I don't know why." He bluntly & obliviously spurted out.

"Oh, I apologize.." The man says as he looks into Cooper's eyes, locking eye contact. Cooper notices how blunt the mans' eyes were, sending a shrieking chill down his back. The more the man talked, almost the more annoying yet soft his voice got; "You three just looked, quite.. delicious if I say so myself. I wanted a taste of the aura pouring out of all of you." and none of them knew what to make of his sentence.

"Sir, who are you? Please might you leave us alone? We are on a.. school.. trip?" Skyla hesitates- wondering if he would question the fact there's only three of them on a school trip.

As Skyla spoke, Cooper's pupils slightly decreased in size from the fear of locking eyes with this man. He stuck a hand out in front of Sky, who almost leant forward. "Sky stay back...this guy's dangerous..." Cooper spoke out to her. His voice was obviously shaky as he advanced towards this mysterious enemy. Cooper sniffled and readied to fight as he threw his fists up as they became engulfed in blueish green flames. Tanner watches Cooper's movements, and nods. "I'm with you dude." as he too, then gets fired up for battle. "H-Hey! I can fend for myself dumbass..-" Sky stutters as she thinks Cooper is trying to make a scene for no reason, but as she listens to him speak and watches his face change, she realizes this guy is dangerous.

The mysterious man laughed, "Aw, might I ask if you two are in love? It sure seems like it. The boy protecting the girl," his tone of voice seems quite playful, and his face shows mockery. "how pitiful," he says as his face completely changes to the intention of a fight, and his tone changing to a deeper and more serious tone. "Young man, you seem to have more potential then the girl you're protecting, you know this, don't you?" he talks like he wants to change Cooper's mindset of who's side he's on.

"N-No, we aren't a thing..." Cooper replied to the man. "Pitiful...say all you want, weirdo..." His eyebrows furrowed as he listened to his annoying ass voice. "Me? Potential? Yeah nah- these two have much more potential than I do." He heard Skyla's breathing get louder before he clenched his teeth and decided not to think any further as he burst into a full on sprint towards Laz as he aimed to slam his fist straight into Laz's face, unaware of the situation he had just put himself in by attacking him head-on. "Cooper, no!" Sky shouted out, to no help.

The man dodges with quite slow speed, as he watches Cooper trip over."No." he corrects. "Only you two boys have actual potential, the girl doesn't." and with the end of his sentence he looked up at Skyla, trembling. He then began to walk towards her. Sky froze, and threw up her fists in fear.

 "Wha- Hey!! Don't walk away from me!" Cooper raised his voice a little as he recovered from his trip as he ran towards the guy again and leaped over him before transitioning into a front flip and slamming his foot down into the dark skinned man's shoulder. He was incredibly fast and due to having momentum, high levels of physical strength and that his kick was reinforced with his energy- it would've been too fast for the man to react in time since he was looking the other way.

The man gets shoved by Cooper's kick, and you can almost hear him grunt something under his breath. He then turns around and grabs Cooper midair before he falls back down, and he create a substance that began to melt into Cooper's leg- to which he screeched out in pain as he thrashed around in this guy's grip before he threw brash punches at his head when Sky throws her right hand up and then to the side, throwing the enemy into a bush. She quickly runs to Cooper - after he had just fell on the ground, and holds the air pressure tight around the burn mark, keeping the blood in his wound so it will eventually repair. The adrenaline running through Cooper's veins allowed him to withstand the pain for now. "Th-Thanks Sky..." he said breathlessly.

After a moment, the man emerged from the bushes again. "You are strong, but you still have so much aura that isn't being used.. How sad~" he irritated them with his voice as slowly strides towards the two- he lifts his hand up, with his palm facing the sky. His palm then lit up with orangey-gold flames that engulfed his hand, and fire surrounded the three of them in a small circle of complete flames. The three could feel their body temperatures rising because of the heat.

Tanner, had been left completely out of the circle of flames, as he hadn't been noticed by the enemy, but Tanner used the fact the enemy was speaking to pinpoint his location. "Ah there you are." Tanner mutters to himself as he launches himself in the air seeing the three. "Oh shit, he's going to die if I don't step in." He propels himself towards the enemy; kicking him in the face. After the kick he lands on the ground, next to Skyla and Cooper, to which he waves his hand. "Yo." "Tanner!" Cooper shouted his name in relief.

The dark-skinned man takes the kick to the face and gets knocked back about a meter, then he swings his body back at Tanner and grabs his arm after Tanner has it in the air from his wave- his grip is more then just tight. Tanner feels a burning sensation and sees small sparks coming from the enemy's palm, to which he winces and pulls away."You little.." The enemy stares at Tanner, who then gets the same shiver Cooper did earlier, then he begins to grip harder, then he throws Tanner with immense force to the ground then letting go of his arm."BRAT!" he yells as the gold flames consume the lower half of his arms, and the burn mark on Tanners arm starts to hurt him more for some reason, like it was connected to the enemy's anger and flames.

"Tanner!" Cooper shouted his name again but out of concern this time when the enemy attacked him. He instantly forgot about the wound on his leg as his arms flared up with his blueish haze again.He burst into a full on sprint with a tiny limp as he accidentally kicked up a lot of dust in Sky's face- to which she coughed at. She spat out the dust that flew into her face, unprepared for them to attack- she got pushed back from being startled of Cooper sprinting off. "No! Cooper you have a really bad wound!" she shouts, but doubts he will notice. By the time the man would look up- Cooper towered over him since he was bent over whilst attacking Tanner. Shadows had befell and concealed his face- except for his eyes- which had furrowed downwards as he slammed his fist into the top of the enemy's head- the force from his first punch was immense- but the second one that quickly followed through was triple that power.

The enemy manages to dodge the first punch from Cooper, but then blocked his head with his forearms, taking the blow of the second punch. "Come on! You're quite bad at this aren't you?" he holds his arms out and open, while they were still covered in flames that would possibly harm Cooper if he got too close. Opening his chest too, as if he wanted Cooper to attack him- as he wants to purposely manipulate and anger Cooper into using more power for his attacks.

"His chest is wide open! I'll attack there!!" Is what Cooper thought to himself as he took the opportunity and went to bury his fist into his chest- although his anger had thrown his control off and it was just a regular punch- still powerful if it landed nonetheless.

"You're bad; because your naïve." The enemy states before grabbing Cooper's fists, burning scars into Cooper's knuckles. "Cooper! No, you fuck!" Skyla throws her left hand up and to the side, out of worry for his wounds, pulling Cooper back from the enemy's grip, and accidentally throwing him back almost onto the highway.

Cooper, who was sent flying back into one of the railings that prevented him from falling off onto the next highway down below. He winced in pain as he clutched his arm before being quick to scramble to his feet. "What was that for Sky?! I can handle him!" That was a complete lie. He was quick to charge back at the enemy, before tripping over from the wound in his leg. It would take him a few minutes to recover enough strength to get back up again. "You're injured! I don't have enough power to go against this guy, so it's to you or Tanner to fight! You'll need to both attack him." Sky shouts as she runs over to Cooper to keep him there so she can quickly heal the wounds on his knuckles.

"Skyla make sure Cooper doesn't do anything stupid, I got this." Tanner said as he stepped forward.

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