4. Sparring!

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The next day, two days after firstly entering Fremantle; Sky could be seen walking onto the oval they had previously shown each-other their powers on. The green grass moved slightly as the wind slowly blew over the area.

Glancing around, then noticing Cooper and Tanner whom already walking toward Gojo. Sky ran over to the boys and said with a yawn, "Hey guys!"- Gojo awaited them, as he stood in the middle of the oval before the rest of them, and had a different attire then yesterday- a very dark purple jacket that covered most of his body all the way up to his mouth.

"Yo! What's up Sky?" Cooper greeted Skyla. Tanner huffed, barely noticing Sky as he fixed his hair. "Hey."

"Oh phew~ I thought I was late, but seeing you two here made me feel less late." Skyla nervously chuckled before getting interrupted- "You're only ten minutes late." Tanner said with a thumbs up and a 'stupid look'. "Oh." Sky said as she matched her walking pace with theirs.

"Well it's not like I slept in or anything-" Sky said, flustered in embarrassment, so she flicked her hair back.

"Baha! Even I wasn't that late! And I'm usually the latest!" Cooper announced proudly, making Sky feel even more embarrassed.

"Yo~! You guys are later than me! I only just got here though- anyways-" Gojo leaned back and crossed one leg over the other, like he was sitting in a chair in mid-air. "We're having spar battles today!! Get excited you guys! I got the matches set up and everything!" The charismatic 28 year old man threw his hands into the air in excitement. "Getting down to business... I've decided that Sky and Tanner will be fighting first today! Courtesy to Cooper- the winner of that match will take him on! Not that I expect you to lose against him but-"

"HEY!! THAT'S MEAN!!" Cooper wailed in response to that last comment Gojo made.

"Oh jeez.. okay then.." Skyla hesitated before going to one side of the oval so they could start. "Could you go a little easy on me?" She shouts to Tanner as she walks to her starting point, letting him walk to his. "I'm so dead." Sky thought to herself, before mentally preparing herself.

"Please go all out if you'd like! I wanna gauge on your abilities strengths and weaknesses so far... and don't worry! I'll stop either one of yous if ya go crazy, so don't hold back!" (Foreshadowing..) Gojo added after Skyla's request, making her have a worried complexion.

Tanner gets into a battle position, there was a few seconds of silence before his eyes started to glow blue, all of a sudden a explosion was heard and he had disappeared and reappeared behind Skyla, startling her, as Tanner used his powers to traverse himself in the air to kick her in the back.

Skyla, being pushed forward from Tanner's kick, uses her power to do a flip as she levitates in the air for a moment to stop spinning. "Hey! No one said start!" She yells at Tanner as she lifts her hand up and he starts to fly into the air but quickly loosing complete balance due to her hand placement; following with her falling on the floor.

"In a real fight- there is no start or stop!!" Gojo commented with a clueless smile, definitely not helping.

Sky glances, annoyed at Gojo's comment, then hastily attempts to pick herself back up before Tanner could try to attack her; but alas Tanner launched straight towards her but right when he was about to hit Skyla, he used his powers to thrust himself to the side of Sky

"Ngh!" Sky grunted when Tanner hit her, but she quickly used her powers to launch her a few metres away into the air so she could stand properly, she then went to kick Tanner and kick him on his left calf, and then she punched his collarbone with a force that was quite strong, as she used her power to reinforce raw strength.

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