─Chapter Two

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Story: The Titans of Secrets
Chapter Two: O.W.Ls

A few weeks after the brunch with the Potters, the youngest Weasley siblings were lounging in the kitchen, watching their mother spin and weave through the utensils, cooking up delicious dishes.

The brunch had been a joyous affair but the absence was Harry Potter was missed dearly. Lily had taken great pains to reassure the Weasleys, especially Molly, that it was no fault of theirs for his leave. Although it did not escalate the situation, it definitely made Molly feel better. Ron in particular was crestfallen as he really wanted to meet the Puddlemere United Quidditch star.

"I don't think he's as good as his family," Ginny said off-handedly, talking about Harry.

"Shush, Ginny! You shouldn't remark on the poor boy without even knowing him!" Molly reprimanded her daughter.

"I agree with Ginny. We only want to help him with his social anxiety mum! We have proved ourselves enough, haven't we? Gilligan trusts us! His parents trust us! I think he just wants to show off that he's busy," Ron snorted.

"That's so harsh of you both! We don't know what trouble he is going through. We shouldn't blame him. . ." Molly tried. "He must –" But before she could continue her unsuccessful convincing, an owl swooped into the house, holding three letters in its beak.

"Is there any secret sibling of ours who has just turned eleven?" Ron asked his mum as he took the letters with the Hogwarts seal on it. He turned it around his hands and a clunk sounded. He looked up at the two women with widened eyes.

"Open it," Ginny whispered. Ron did not wait enough to let her finish her sentence as he tore open the envelope to reveal a shining badge which had the title, 'Head Boy' carved intricately on it. He grinned at his sister as his mother enveloped him in a bone crushing hug with tears of happiness running down her plump cheeks.

"This is so great, Ron dear! Not one child in the family without an honorary title. We are so proud of you!" Molly sobbed. Fred and George took this moment to enter, as if they had been waiting for it.

"Oh George!" Fred exclaimed. "Did you hear that?"

"Yes, Fred. I did. I am very sad to say that we have been officially disowned," George wailed. Ginny burst out laughing as their mother continued smothering Ron. "We ain't neighbors either!"

"Oi! For whom is the other letter?" Ginny cut in, partially to save Ron and partially out of curiosity. Ron sent her a grateful look before pulling away from his mother and holding up the two letters. He passed one to Ginny: her Hogwarts letter. Then he passed the other to his mother.

"It says you and dad, mum," Ron said when Molly took the letter from her son's hands.

Opening it, she read through it quickly and her confusion raised steadily. "Ginny? Open your letter. Your O.W.L.s results would have come surely?"

Ginny did as she was told and opened her letter. Along with her supply list was her results. Her eyebrows shot up upon scanning the parchment. She was rather surprised to find her results being exceptional with ten O.W.Ls. She had passed in every subject!

On the bottom left was another note in what seemed to be Albus Dumbledore's handwriting.

Dear Miss Weasley,
I am pleased to inform you that you have been promoted to seventh year. This decision has been wisely revised and taken by the ministry itself after seeing your splendid performance in O.W.Ls.

If you wish to decline the offer, feel free to write back and Professor McGonagall will be visiting you.

Think it over twice. It's better to think before acting.

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