─Chapter Sixteen

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Story: The Titans of Secrets
Chapter Sixteen: Forbidden Adventures

Ginny was in her DADA class when her hair burned like it was on fire. In a moment of silliness, she literally thought it was burning before realizing that it was a signal for Dragonfly.

She stood up awkwardly and Professor Lupin looked questioningly at her.

"Erm. . Professor. . . I don't feel so well, may I go to the Hospital Wing?" Lupin smiled sympathetically at her as the Slytherins started sneering. 

"Of course, Miss Weasley. You are excused from the class," he said and waved her off. Hermione gave her a calculative look as she passed the witch. Ron and Neville were looking concerned. Harry had been down as well and was resting in his dormitory.

As soon as she reached a broom cupboard, she uttered the magical words to enhance her magic.

"Dragonfly, Enigma!"


When Dragonfly swung to the top of the castle, she saw Shade waving her over. Using her enhanced agility, she climbed up the pointed tops and reached the landing. She smiled at him.

"What's the news, Shady?"

"A very bad news, Miss Fly," Shade stated and pushed a newspaper into her hands. She unfolded it and her brown eyes widened when it scanned the title etched in bold on the aging parchment.


She looked over the paper and met his worried green eyes.

"I don't know what Blackburn and Silverflight might think of this. We were supposed to be enigmatic," he said. There was an underlying fear in his tone.

"I can't comprehend how the media catches us but not Confusion and that 16 guy!" Dragonfly exclaimed in exasperation before continuing. "We must find a way to communicate without being seen."

Shade looked thoughtful.

"If there's only some sort of object that sends messages!" she sighed.

"Object. . . Dragonfly, you just gave me brilliant idea!" Shade exclaimed.

"And that is?"

"Exceptional potions and Charming knowledge and I meant, charming you with my idea as well." He winked causing the girl to roll her brown eyes although a blush creeped to her cheeks. He smirked before saying, "Meet me here in two days and the problem shall be solved."


The sky was dull and overcast as Ginny took to the sky. She scanned the whole area before blowing the captain's silver whistle.

"Ronald! Dean! Start! Demelza, assist!" she shouted over the low cheers from below. Three figures took to the sky. Ron flew to the left goalpost and stood guard as Dean and Demelza got into their positions. Ginny passed the quaffle to Dean who zoomed past her and towards the goal with his broomstick, Demelza on his tail. Ginny watched him intently, trying to calculate his moves. He somersaulted in the air to avoid the incoming Demelza.

Dean swiped over and threw the quaffle at the right hoop. The ball grazed Ron's fingers before going through the goalpost. He cheered happily and Ginny gave him a hand. He smiled brightly at her as she whistled for Demelza, her dormmate, to tryout against herself.

After a few minutes, she finally landed on the ground. Her back ached from flying still for more than half an hour and her neck was sore.

"I have the players in mind and I'll be pinning the list to the notice board in the common room. The selected players must assemble tomorrow at the same time. Have I made myself clear?" she shouted. Everyone replied with a 'yes' or a simple nod. She smiled sympathetically at everyone. "If you don't make the team this year, I'm sorry chaps but next year!"

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