─Chapter Fifteen

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Story: The Titans of Secrets
Chapter Fifteen: 16

The next day was spent keenly observing all the teachers. Ginny did not find any suspicious or noticeable difference in the teaching staff's behavior, causing her to grow frustrated.

There was no hint of any attempts to maim or murder. It seemed that Confusion had entirely disappeared.

With a heavy heart, she retreated to the common room after her classes were done for the day. Gilligan waved her over and with no other better thing to do, she approached him.

"Hey, Ginny! How was your day today?" he asked. Although his voice seemed cheerful, Ginny could sense the underlying depression.

"Good." Besides the confusion about Confusion part, her day had gone just fine. "How was your day? Anything to be happy about?" she asked. Gilligan gave her a rather sad smile.

"Mum wrote me. She wants me to make sure Harry is safe. Y'know, after all this Hogsmeade drama, she's worried but hey! I'm younger than him and can't even use magic outside Hogwarts," he added with a sigh. Ginny reached out to pat his shoulder.

"I suppose Mrs Potter would have written Harry to take care of you. That's what all mothers do. Mum writes Fred and George to take care of Ron and me but she also writes me to keep the twins in line," Ginny comforted. Gilligan chuckled lightly.

"That's Mrs Weasley for you." Ginny grinned. "Ginny, will you clarify my DADA doubt?" he asked suddenly, showing her his essay. It was about the differences between an Inferius and a ghost.

"Um, I suppose yeah. I can't tell for sure as I have skipped my sixth year," she joked. Gilligan laughed this time.

"Oh, c'mon! I want to skip my sixth year too!" he said, grinning. Ginny smirked.

"You must be as smart as me for that, Potter."

"For what?" Both Ginny and Gilligan tensed at that voice. They wheeled around in their sofa to meet a confused yet smiling Harry. "Mind if I sit here? After all, I am a Potter too."

"Of course not, come here," Ginny managed to say in one breath. She moved a little bit and Harry took the seat. Gilligan huffed incoherently but it did not go unnoticed by the redhead. There still seemed to be some sort of tension between the two brothers and she could feel it. She looked at Gilligan who seemed to have gone back to his DADA essay. Harry, on the other hand, was humming to himself as he leant back into the seat.

Deciding to cut the tension, she started talking. "So, how was your day today, Harry?"

Harry did not move; but he answered her. "Alright, I s'pose. It's sort of boring without seeing D–" he interrupted himself and opened his eyes in a jolt.

"Seeing whom?" Gilligan asked, his homework abandoned on his lap.

"Dumbledore! Yes, Headmaster Dumbledore," he exclaimed. Ginny personally thought his exclamation was cute; but it remained a silent compliment. However, a nasty thought creeped to her mind. Surely Dumbledore was not someone Harry would really look forward to meeting: did he have any girl in mind?

"Dumbledore? Why would you meet him?" the younger Potter questioned. Ginny pushed her suspicions hard and tried to pay attention to Harry's behaviour.

"Meet? No, I just told I didn't see Dumbledore at the meal times. You see, he's amusing to watch. Have you seen him eat the mince pies? He literally gobbles them down. And the other day, I saw him having a chocolate cake at the kitchens," Harry explained.

"Do you worship him?" Ginny asked suddenly, surprising herself. Harry turned pink.

"Of course not! I mean, he's great and all and for Merlin's sake, he's our Headmaster but no."

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