1. libraries of the soul

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I basically just copy and pasted most of this book from my one shots, because, it's there and why waste so much time?

Catherine parr

Now, what is there to say about Catherine parr? Well for one, she writes alot. And when I say alot, I mean she writes as much as she can between school and theater. Most of the time Catalina will call her to make sure she's not writing too much and actually managing to get some form of sleep. She is absolutely addicted to coffee.
She just wants someone to hug her.

Jane Seymour

Jane, on the other hand, reads alot. She goes to bed at a set time, she isn't constantly overloaded with coffee and work. She needs to be outside, at least a little bit everyday, it helps her mood.
Although, like Catherine, she also loves theater and libraries
She wants someone to hug.

Pretty different, right? Well, we all know that opposites attract. You just have to wait until they get close enough.


Catherine's day.

It started quite well. She woke up at 7, and got ready for school, the classic trousers, shirt, blazer and tie deal, as normal. She walked to school, did her first 2 lessons of year 11, and now, we sit at break time. A small table in the canteen with 3 people sitting around It. Our writer was sat with a small cinnamon swirl Infront of her she hadn't touched it and was just staring at it. "Hey Cath? You alright mate? You've been staring at your food for a good 5 minutes without doing anything." Anna, her best friend, tapped her shoulder to bring her back into proper reality. "huh? Oh.. yeah, I'm good. Tired." She picks up the food Infront of her and takes a bite.
"Tired of people? Or just in general?" Catalina, her cousin 2nd year of 6th form, asks. Cath puts the pastry back down and looks at her cousin, no expression on her face, "yes." She picks her cinnamon swirl back up and continues eating it. Lina and Anna laugh a bit and a couple minutes later the bell goes. "Well... Fuck." Cath picks up her bag and walks off to PE with Anna, since they decided to mix top set year 10 with bottom set year 11, which Cathy decided was rather strange, but she didn't mind too much. Then comes 4th and this is when things start to get a little...Messy.

Jane's day

The day was like any other school day, the only difference being that she didn't have to wear uniform, instead, smart clothing. She wore a white t-shirt, a grey cardigan and a pair of black leggings. She got to school and she went to 1st and 2nd period, which consisted of double A-level drama. At break she sat outside with her 2 cousins, Anne and kat. Anne is in year 11 (like Cath) and kat is in year 9. Jane is a rather upbeat and happy person, so naturally, she was in a pretty good mood, she was enjoying her classes - well, class - so far and her mindset is "even if last year was shit, this year can still be amazing" I wish her good luck, A-level history is probably quite difficult.
"Oh my goodness, girls, A-level drama! I definitely recommend it!" Anne smiles, "if your still saying that in April, then I might just stay on for 6th instead of college." Jane shakes her head and smiles.
"I'll take that bet! But only if your still saying it at the end of next year!" Kat wants to go to a top notch preforming arts school for college and/or university. They spend the rest of break talking about how overly optimistic they all get. Because here's the thing about the cousins, they don't half-ass anything. It's either full-ass or no-ass, more commonly known as "go big or go home" the bell rings and they all pick up their stuff and walk to their next classes. Anne has french, Jane has history and kat has maths.
And then, 4th.

12:10pm, 4th period, Library.

For Cath, the next lesson is English.
Now, just for some context, Cath is a rather clumsy person,Cath was so clumsy that she had injured her shoulder, and just to annoy her, she didn't know how it happened, but it was probably in PE. This wasn't nearly a new thing, in fact, it happened so often that she was used to it by now.

Her English teacher had the class at the library computers to do research, or something like that. Cath was in too much pain to care. Usually she'd be fine, but this time, she couldn't move her shoulder, because, if she did she'd be invited into a world of pain. Instantly.

Her teacher gave her a note and she went down to medical, and just her luck. The nurse wasn't there. She turned around and started heading back to class. This is where it happened, she started panicking out of no where. She thought it was just the unusual pain in her shoulder but that never really worried her before.

She asked her teacher if she could sit in the quiet part of the library, as she knew the basics to the work and could do it another time. Her teacher agreed and Cath went to sit in the quiet area. She faced the windows and watched what was going on outside. 

Of course, she could still hear the large amount of noise from her class, but she ignored it the best she could.

She pulled 3 small rings out of her player pocket. 3 small magnetic rings. She moved these about. This continued until she accidentally disconnects the rings with too much Force and they all fly apart. Cath quickly gets up to retrieve the 2 run away rings. She picks up the first and then when she goes to get the second, someone else picks it up.

The 2 lock eyes. The person Infront of her had beautiful grey eyes with slight hints of blue here and there. "Here. You dropped this." They hand the ring back to Catherine, and that's when she fully sees the person.

The person is seemingly female, they are a little bit taller than her, Probably around 5'5. They had long blonde hair that fell around 3 inches below their shoulders, and the thing that confused her the most? No uniform, just a blue lanyard around their neck, Cath couldn't read what it said, but she could tell they weren't a teacher.

"Hi, I'm Jane Seymour." The girl speaks up once again. Cathy nods, smiling awkwardly. "C-Cathrine." Cath manages to stutter back.

"So, Cathy, what are you doing out of class? as someone who is still in uniform, you should be in class full time." Jane questions the younger girl, who just fidgets a bit.

"I had a bit of a panic attack.. in sitting out here for the rest of class. And what are you doing out of lesson, Jane?" Cathy shoots the question back at Jane with no real goal for it.

"I've got a free. I don't have class this period, I was coming to the library to revise. Now, about that panic attack of yours, are you alright now?" Cathy responds with a quick one word answer of "mostly" and goes back to where she was sitting. Jane pulls up a chair and sits next to her. Cathy looks over at Jane, their eyes meet once again and Jane sees how beautiful Cathy's eyes are. A hazel colour with a little hint of orange around the edges.

"Well, since your still a little bit iffy on the panic, would you like a hug?" Cathy nods and leans into Jane's hug.
They stay like that for a couple of minutes before Jane takes a text book out of her bag, it's a text book on history. Cathy reads the book over Jane's shoulder, finding everything about A-level history much more fascinating than GCSE history.

"So, Cathy, would you like to come sit outside with me at lunch?" Cathy smiles but shakes her head, "I sit inside with Anna and Catalina. Outside? not my thing." Jane nods at Cathy's response. "Alright... Can me and my 2 cousins come sit at your table then?" Cathy nods. Jane gives Cathy a quick hug. "So, who are your cousins?" Cathy asks, wanting to know who she will be sharing a table with.
"Katherine Howard and Anne Boleyn."
Cathy seems perfectly fine until Anne's name is said. "Yeah, should be fine. But Anne can't sit too close to Catalina. I don't know why but Catalina is far from Anne's biggest fan." Cathy says with an awkward smile, rubbing the back of her neck. The bell goes and Cathy starts putting her bag on. "Meet you outside caff?" Jane says, putting her stuff away. Cathy nodds, "see you then" and she walks off too her form reading period, where you sit for 20 minutes and just read.

So, yeah, libraries. Who knew? You can make new friends who are pretty cool.

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