3. the start of a great creation

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My apologies on this taking ages to be updated, I forgot to finish this chapter.

(Siblings will be historically inaccurate. I know nothing about siblings at this point)

Jane's POV

I'm fucked. I got a 2 hour. It is extremely difficult for a sixth former to get a regular detention, let alone a 2 hour. I asked Cathy to meet me after school. She said she'd be here, but I'm not convinced that she'll show.
"Jane!" I turn around and Cathy is right behind me, I jump and Cathy laughs. "My goodness Cathy, you scared the living daylights out of me!" I say, laughing. Cathy gives me a quick hug. "Your a good friend Jane. You've known me for what? 3 hours and your willing to fight someone and swear for me." They both smile.
"Well, I can't have you not being able to see, now can I?" Cathy shakes her head.
"You should probably go now, the teacher who does detention doesn't take well to late people. I know from experience."  I nod, deciding to ask Cathy about it later, and I hand her a piece of paper. 
"Open it outside of the school."
Cathy nods.

"I'll see you tomorrow Cathy. Stay safe and try to avoid any further thefts. Okay?" I told Cathy, a soft smile on her face. Cathy nods and quickly hugs me and says a quick goodbye before heading home.

Cathy's POV (3rd person)

Cathy walks through the door and is greeted by her brother, James, better known as Jamie.
"And where would you have been for the last 15 minutes?"

"I- uhm... I was saying goodbye to a new friend..." Her brother nodded and Cathy finally closed the front door. She put her bag down and took her shoes off.
"Look at that, little cath finally making some friends!" Cathy rolled her eyes, taking her coat off.
"Hey! I have friends. There's six of us at that table now!" Jamie stares, genuinely looking suprised.
Cathy nodded. She picked her bag back up and walked towards the stairs.
"One of them got into a fight because those bitchy girls in my year took my new fucking glasses."
Since Cathy wasn't wearing her glasses at the time Jamie stands up and starts walking to the door.
"Jamie? Where are you going?" Cathy asks and Jamie turns towards her. "I'm going to get your glasses. I'm assuming your Friend didn't manage to retrieve them considering your lack of glasses."
Cathy laughs and pulls the case out of her bag.
"Nope, she won. Although, she got herself a 2hour for it, and you know how hard it is for 6th form kids to get a lunch time." She puts her glasses on and Jamie has an impressed look on his face.
"Alright, I've got maths homework. Wish me luck."
"Good luck cath." Cathy and Jamie share a laugh and Cathy goes up to her room and sits down to do her homework.

It took Cathy around an hour to complete her maths homework as she spent most of the time looking for a video that could teach her the method in a simple way. After she finished her homework she decided to start writing a new story, one about war and betrayal between 6 sets of kingdoms. She didn't know what to call it yet but she knew that she'd think of a name eventually.

After she had written her 4th chapter she remembers the small piece of paper that Jane handed her before she left. She opened it and it said

If you ever need to contact me :)

079993360 (fake number. Don't call it)
- Jane

Cathy smiled and typed the number out into her contacts. She then continued to write for half an hour before she decided to send a message to her new friend.

Cathy: hey, it's Cathy. Get out yet?

Jane: you say that like it's a prison sentence. But yeah, I got out.

Cathy: it feels like a prison sentence. It's good that your out now. Got any plans for the night?

Jane: hm. Let me see. Homework, homework and more homework.

Cathy: and that would be why I want to go to college.

Jane: don't leave me in that dammed school by myself for another year!

Cathy: you'll survive. You have your cousins.

Jane: I know, and I love the chaos cousins, but you have similar interests, from what I know so far, speaking of which, what else do you like other than theater and books?

Cathy: writing, mythology, a couple video games and if I'm in the mood, art. 
Also, that was pretty smooth. Casually mentioning it in conventional instead of bluntly just saying it.

Jane [writing, mythology, a...]: Those are pretty cool. You writing anything at the moment? And thanks, I know, I'm awesome like that.

Cathy: yep, I'm writing a story about 6 kingdoms in a constant state of war and betrayal. The lost 7th kingdom is meant to rise from the ruins and it's youngest member of royalty is meant to end the eternal war. I'm writing separate sets of mythology for each Kingdom. I need a name for it that really sticks out. Y'know?

Jane: that sounds amazing, you gotta let me read that! And as for story names, "The saviour of our eternity"

Cathy: my goodness! That is perfect! Thank you!

Jane: no problem!

Cathy: Hey, would you like to help me write it, like in a way of helping me with the mythology and helping me with ideas for the kingdoms. Basically, if you want, we would sit and talk about the lore in the kingdoms.

Jane: that sounds awesome, I might not be able to help often, so we should have a set time where we talk about anything we may have come up with, and then you could write on those ideas until the next meeting where we add more input to the story.

Cathy: sounds good! Glad one of us is good at organisation.

Jane: I need to be.

The pair sit and talk for ages,the decide the day and time that they'll discuss the book and they even start coming up with names for the kingdom and what their main export and theme will be. They decide to leave mythology for now as they have more to do before that will become relevent.

It gets late and they both say goodnight, deciding to head to bed.
Cathy, of course stays up until 3 in the morning, writing down everything they've discussed so far, putting it into the story.


Cutting this chapter here, it's 3am and I've badly injured my wrist, so this is currently the best I can do.

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