11. plan for vengeance

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I'm going to start putting in the POV's of the other queens.

Starting here.

----- Anna's POV -----

We finally found out who fucked up Cathy's arm. None other than Henry Tudor. look, usually I'm a very civil person, but when my friends get hurt, that's when I draw the line. Make fun of me all you want, but mess with my friends and you won't see the light of day again.

Now, here's the thing. Henry is a college student. He does business studies, not that it's important, he won't be going to his next class. I don't give a fuck if he's 3 years older than me, I'll snap him like a fucking twig.
Untill I get that chance, I will be going about life as I normally do.

But first, I have business to discuss with Anne.

----- Anne's POV ----

We were meant to celebrate my birthday on Saturday, at the Halloween gathering and then henrat fucking ruined it. That is my reason for wanting revenge, of course I want to beat the shit out of him in revenge for Cathy's arm, but he also fucked up my birthday.

Anyways, Anna wanted to speak to me, so I need to head to the drama rooms.

"Anne." I walk over to Anna, who is outside the drama rooms.
"What's up?"
That's when she explained.
She told me about how she wanted revenge on ...him... Of course I agreed to help, I mean, who wouldn't want to get revenge on him. Especially with everything hes done to us all. The bullying... The threats and assault.

Now, we can't tell anyone about this. They'd stop us. Not to protect him, but to keep us out of big trouble, although, I think if we where to tell Cathy about it now, she'd probably cheer us on. I mean, look at what he did to her arm.

The other hand, if I where to tell Catherine about this, she'd stop me for my own safety, for you see, she's basically my impulse control. But, if I don't tell her, there is no control to said impulse, meaning, I can go help Anna beat the shit out of the problem we have.

"So, you can't tell Catherine or Jane about this. Or kat, she'd tell Jane. Got that Anne?" I nodded. Then we started planning. When it would happen, the strategic methods to use and how to keep ourselves safe in the process.

After we did this, we went down to the lunch table. I took a seat next to Catherine and Anna sat next to kat.
"Where did you two go?" Jane asks.
"Anne's art teacher." Anna replied and I nodded.
Catherine looked at me, "you sure that's what you did?" I nodded again and took my lunch box from my bag.
"Yeah. Questions on our mock exams in January."

-----the day of vengeance-----

We decided to tell Cathy about the plan. Only because we want to beat him up because he snapped her arm. It only seemed right to tell her.

"Let me get this right. You two are going to find a 2nd year college student and try beat the shit out of him?" She questioned.
"No, there's no 'try' here. We're beating the shit out of him. There are two of us, and one of him." Anna explained and I nodded. No doubt about it, we were getting vengeance on that shitty excuse of a human being.

"Alright. Let me call Catherine real quick." Cathy said, reaching for her phone. I stopped her, making sure she couldn't get her phone.
"No. She'll stop us from doing it. She'll say it's for our own good and that she doesn't want to bail us out of prison."

Cathy looked shocked, "that's oddly specific Anne. How many times has she told you this?" I say nothing and hand Cathy her phone, accepting my defeat and sparing myself any further embarrassment.
"Thanks Anne." She scrolls through what I assume is her contact list and within a few minutes ringing is heard.

"Hello cath. What's up?"

"Anne and Anna are starting a fight." Cathy bluntly stated and before I could say anything, "I'll be there in 5. Anne, Anna, don't move."

5 Minutes later the front door opened and only seconds later Catherine is also in the kitchen.

"Look, Catherine, you can't stop us, henry-" that's when she cut me off.
"Oh my god let me help you beat the shit out of him!"

Well. I certainly didn't expect that from her of all people.
We agreed to let her help and she decided to talk us through the best combat strategies and how not to get caught.

----- Cathy's POV -----

Catherine sat at the kitchen table talking Anne and Anna combat strategies, the best ways to take people down and how to remain unidentifiable. It sounded like something you'd hear from Athena, I definitely didn't expect Catherine of all people to know things like this.

About 5 minutes later Catherine takes them to get ready for their party of vengeance and I swear myself to secrecy.

I can't believe Catherine is actually letting them do this, hell, I can't believe she's taking part and openly helping them. She's usually the first to shut down Anne's chaotic ideas, but now she's not only encouraging it but strengthening their plans.
I mean, I don't have anything against them beating the shit out of him. My arm wouldn't be in a cast if he didn't fucking push me off of a drop slide.

It would probably be a good idea to tell Jane about this, but at the same time, I don't think it would end well.
Plus, they have Catherine with them.

Anyways, what's the worst that could happen?


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