6. spotlight theater arts

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Let me just-
Gotta decorate for spooky month.

I completely forgot about the abundance of Thomas' in the history surrounding six for a good 5 minutes while writing this character, but it took me long enough to actually find a name for this kid and I'm not going to try and come up with a new name, but if you would like to, feel free. Otherwise, he remains a Thomas.

Anne and Catherine had known eachother for a while now, almost a year, in fact. Sure, things where a little bit rocky when they first met but they talked out their problems and now their closer than ever before.

Everyone has been noticing that they only get closer. It's like everyone but them can see that they like eachother, so it's a bit of a surprise to Anne when Jane tells her to just go for it and ask her.

"Wait what?! She won't say yes Jane! How would you feel if I told you to ask Cathy out?" Anne said shooting the question right back.

"Nothing different to how I usually do. Me and Cathy are just really good friends. Plus, your getting towards the end of year 11 now, you can't have that on your mind while trying to do your GCSEs." Anne was right about something, she did have a massive crush on Cathy, she just didn't know how to go about it.

"She's doing her Alevels. I'm 2 years younger than her. It isn't right. She's what? 17, 18? I'm only 16" Anne says, laying back on her bed. "besides, you think she'd date me? There are better people out there for her."

Jane sits down next to her cousin, "oh yeah? Like who? Because I certainly don't see anyone who is half as great as you." Anne sits up and looks at the older girl with a blank face.
"Oh yeah? What about Cathy, hm?"
Jane's face goes red.
"U-uhm.. look, that's a different circumstance. Your my cousin. She's.. well-"

"The girl your going to marry."
Jane falls back out of suprise, waving her hands nervously.
"N-no! Well.. I mean she is... I mean... You need to ask Catherine out!"

"I know, but... I think it'd be better to wait.. until I'm 17, y'know? That's not too long, just until October. Anyways, how are you doing at the moment" Anne says, trying to move Jane on from the subject of her love life.
Jane has that 'really?' look on her face. shaking her head, she pulls Anne up from her bed.

"Come on Anne, we're going to be late to our first day of spotlight if you don't get ready." Jane says, grabbing her bag from the frame of Anne's bed.

"Oh, so you can change the subject. Yeah that makes sense." Anne puts her shoes on and grabs her jacket and script.

Safe to say, neither of them will act on their feelings any time soon.

At spotlight theater company

The pair arrived at the hall 10 minutes late. In an attempt to make her cousin on time for once, Jane tried to go and pick up Anne for spots, but apparently, is Anne's late, everyone who travels with her is too

"Where's Anne? Wait... Where's Jane, she's always early." Jane and Anne walk in as kat speaks.

"Huh. Speak of the devil." Kat says, gesturing to her cousins

"Sorry I'm late. Someone wouldn't hurry up." Jane said, glaring at Anne, who wasn't paying attention to Jane because she was too busy staring at Catherine, as one does.

"Just drag her out next time. If she's not ready, she's acting with one shoe on. Her problem not ours." Kat shrugged as she talked. Jane nodded, smiling at the idea of Anne trying to do the dances with one shoe on.
"I'd pay good money to watch that. She struggles to dance with both shoes." Cathy laughs at Anna's statement. They all sit down and the director starts talking.

"Okay, we have a couple new faces here today so we will be playing some games to get to know each other. We will start off with a game that Nick will explain."

A kid around the same age as Cathy and Anne stands infront of everyone

"Okay, so, for this game we will need one less chair than there are people, so, just fold any seats up that are empty, including mine." Everyone puts the seats up of empty chairs around them.

"Okay, so, the rules of the game. One person will stand at the front and everyone else will sit down. The person at the from says one thing that is true to them. Something like, 'i have 2 cats' and anyone else who also has 2 cats will stand up and move to an open seat. In this time, the person at the front will attempt to get to an open seat before someone else.
The person left at the end of that then goes to the front.
You can't move to the seat next to you and you can't sit in the seat that you where just sat in.
Everyone get that?"

Everyone says yes and they start playing.

"Switch places if you... Are... Wearing shoes!" A boy named max says. Everyone stands up and runs to an open seat. This leaves Anne behind.

"We are adding a category now. This one will be, famous people you have met or have been in the same room as." The director says, making Anne's life a whole lot harder.

Anne sits and thinks for a minute.
"Switch places if you've ever seen a live show with Carrie hope fetcher playing the main role." Anne recalls seeing heather's on the west end with kat, purposely saying this to target her younger cousin.

Kat stands up and walks past Anne giving her cousin the death Stare, mouthing the words, "fuck you" as she passes. Anne just smirks, proudly taking her cousins seat.

The person next to Anne smiles, introducing themselves, "hi I'm Thomas, i mainly go by Tom." Anne smiles back.
"I'm Anne... Tom, what's your surname?"
Tom smiles, "Carson."
Anne let's out a quiet sigh of relief.

After kat had finally found something to say, a few people moved. Cathy came to sit over with Anne and Tom, who are still having a conversation.
"He/him. Trans ftm." Tom replies to the conversation.
Anne's eyes light up, "oh my god! That's so cool! Mine are she/her." Anne looks over to see Cathy next to Thomas.
"Hi Cathy!" Cathy waves at her.
"Cathy! Cathy! Cathy! This is Tom!" Anne shouts, clearly excited.

"Hi Tom. I'm Cathy. What are your pronouns?" Cathy asks after introducing herself.
"My pronouns are he/him. What are yours?" He replies.

"I mostly use she/her. I am perfectly comfortable with they/them." Tom nods.

The three continue to talk when they are able to throughout the game, they even manage to bring the rest of the group into parts of conversations here and there, mainly just basic introductions though.

Halfway through the game Cathy got a little bit salty because she wasn't fast enough to get a seat and it was her 3rd time up at the front in a row.
So she decided to play the target game.
"Switch places if your name is Catherine, spelt with a C."

Of course she had to add specifics.

Her and Catherine switched.

When Jane meets Anne and Cathy's new friend, she is a little wary of him, considering the Thomas's she's met in her life, but after a while, she realises that tom really isn't any different than all of them. Just a raging gay theater kid.

After the game, Tom introduced the six girls to his friend Charlie.

Charlie, they learnt, is non binary, with this new information Anne decided to make a joke, "so, do you get confused when learning about binary code in computing?"


"Huh. I did not expect that."

After a few games they are told what the show for their group will be.  The show that they have been given to do is heathers.

Everyone was immediately excited, talking about who they're auditioning for. They started going over songs and a few scenes.

This was only the beginning of the six's time in theater.

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