12. the worst that could happen

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And here we have my personal favourite part of the book so far.

If a chapter is a direct continuation of the last chapter, like this one, and there is no distinct pov, it is continuing from the pov of the last person in the previous chapter.

Harm towards kat Howard mentioned.


Anyways, what's the worst that could happen?

Apparently alot, considering it's Anne and Anna. I thought Catherine would even out the chaos and make it at least controlled.
I was wrong.

Well, I'm not all too sure about what happened, so I'll just let Anne explain.

----- Anne's POV, the fight -----

Catherine told us how to keep our identity secret and how to get away with the fight without getting caught. It's 3 against one, so what's the worst that could happen?

We get ready, dressing ourselves in ways that would mainly conceal our identities. This is boring, what's the fun in beating him up if he doesn't know who's beating him up. That's not real revenge, it's just him getting his ass beat by a group of seemingly random people. So, as one does, I voiced my opinion.

"Why are we concealing our identity? I mean the entire point is justice for our injured friend, not petty assault. The only way to get justice is to show that we have eachothers backs, how are we meant to do that if he can't see who we are?"
Anna nodded at my mini speech.

"You have a good point, Bo. He needs to know who's kicking his ass otherwise this is for nothing." Anna states, validating my words. Catherine sighs, shaking her head.
"The point is safety you idiots. But if you want to be known for what you've done, then go right ahead. Just don't-"
We cut her off, cheering and she sighed again.

We set off to where he usually is when he isn't at college, the park on the sketchy side of town. And as we expected, there he was. He was by himself and on his phone, probably being real creepy towards unsuspecting women around his age, or younger.

There's more than one reason I wanted to come here and beat the shit out of henrat. The first reason being, Cathy's arm, obviously.
The second being the fact that he did things to Kat, despite her being around 4 years younger than him. So, I've needed revenge for a long time, I've just never been able to. I actually mentioned this to Anna, who has dedicated herself to protecting Kat from any more Harm. She decided he had to die, or at least suffer.. alot.

I started thinking of everything he'd done to all six of us. The rage started to flow through me and when we got close to him, I started something I couldn't finish.

"Hey! Asshole!" I got his attention and he turned towards me, as he did this I swung my fist, hitting him straight in the face. "This is for what you did to my cousin and all my friends!" And as he got up I hit him again.
"Burn in hell!" He stood up straight, his face painted in his own blood. Before he could hit me back, Catherine pulled me away and Anna engaged in a full blown fight.

Catherine stood to the side, trying to calm me down enough so that I don't commit a murder. She hugged me, and from what I assumed, she watched Anna beat the shit out of trash dick.

After a little while, sirens were heard in the distance. Catherine told me to go home while she went to pull Anna away from the human punching bag.

I did as told and ran home. As soon as I got in, I ignored Jane's worried questions and went up to the bathroom, washing the blood off of my hands. I changed into a fresh set of clothes and put the bloody ones in the wash.

Jane stood up from the sofa and walked over to me. "oh my goodness, Bo, are you alright, you were covered in blood." She expressed her concern and gave me a hug.
"Yeah, I'm fine. It wasn't my blood."

----- Jane's POV -----

"Yeah, I'm fine. It wasn't my blood."
Anne stated this so casually and that was deeply concerning. What the hell had she been going that got someone else's blood all over her.

"Bo, did you start another fight?" I ask and she gives no answer. I motion for her to sit down on the sofa and she does. I sit next to her.

"Explain Anne. Now." And she does. She tells me everything. how they planned it out and told Cathy, who called Catherine, thinking she would calm them down and put a stop to the violence. But Catherine, in fact, helped them come up with a better plan. That plan went out the window when Anne took the first couple of swings at him out of blind rage.

We sat in a strange silence for a few minutes before I received a call from Cathy.
"Hey, Jane. Uhm, Dan just told me that Anna, Catherine and who I can only assume to be, excuse my language, Henry Tudor have been arrested and they need Anne down at the station."
I sit in shock and I hear Anne curse under her breath.

"Okay. Thanks Cathy." I replied and put my phone down.
"Alright Anne. You heard her. Your needed at the station." Anne shrunk back into her seat.
"no... Jane... We don't live with a legal adult. They'll as for my legal guardian and then they'll take us." Anne said, pulling the hood of her jacket over her head.

"Alright Annie.. one second." I pull my phone back out and call Cathy's brother.

"Hello?" He says, answering the phone.
"Hi, Daniel. It's Jane. I need to ask you about something..." I trail off.
"Alright. Go ahead." He replied
I explained the situation.
"Would you be able to take the place of our legal guardian just until I turn 18, then I can take Anne and Kat?" I ask my voice shaking as I talked.
"Of course I can. Now, would you need me to put your house under my name?" I let out a sigh of relief. Daniel and I talk everything through and after we'd finished, I agreed to drive Anne up to the station.

"Alright Annie. Everything's sorted now. We can go to the station." She nodded and I went upstairs to get Kat from her room.

I knocked on Kat's door. When she opened it she wrapped her arms around me in a hug.
"We still get to stay here, right?" I nod.

"Yeah, we do KitKat. I've sorted everything out with Cathy's brother. He's going to legally Foster us until I turn 18, and then I'll properly adopt both of you. Alright?" She nods and mumbles a quiet 'ok'.

She goes downstairs and puts her shoes on, and I do too. From here we get in the car and I drive down to the station.

This really is the worst that could happen.


I had a burst of productivity about 3 hours ago, It's currently 1am and my motivation hasn't stopped yet so I decided to write another chapter.

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