E1 - Lakesong

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TIN'S POV@ Lakesong, Snow Mountain

I don't know for how long I've been staring on my reflection at this frozen icy lake surrounded by thick snowflakes covering this white snowy mountain.

It seems like I've stuck here forever. I couldn't seem to move on.

I keep asking,

Who am I? Why tears keep streaming down my face?

Who are you? Why can't I remember who you are?

Why does this heart hurt so much?

There's no answer; only silence... and, this heart keeps bleeding ...

"It's time to move on, my child."

I heard a voice from the above.

I looked up to the sky and saw a familiar face.

"Jinta?!" I blurted.

"Glad that you still remember me," Jinta smiled.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"I should be the one asking why you are still here?!" Jinta replied with his brow furrowed.

"I don't know. Where am I? Why am I here? Who am I? Why is my heart aching? Why am I crying?" I dropped my head as I looked at that reflection staring back at me.

"You need to be on the move to find the answers to those questions. Sitting still and lying flat won't bring you anywhere," Jinta said as a matter of fact.

"Yeah... but, how?!" I asked for guidance.

"Triage," Jinta answered.

"Triage?! What triage? Where are the casualties? Who are the patients?" I looked around for signs.

"Not your work triage! It's life triage. Your triage in life," Jinta explained.

"My life triage??" Jinta's words baffled me.

"It's all written on that LoveNook. I can only tell you that this lake is made out of tears - tears of love, and songs of love," Jinta hinted with a grin.

"Love what? Where? Where can I find it?" I asked enthusiastically.

"You got to get your ass out of here to find the answer. Now, move!" Jinta kicked me into the lake.

"Have faith & move on, my child," those were the last words I heard from Jinta.

Somewhere in the distance, far away, I heard someone singing......

Spirit leads me where my trust is without borders

Let me walk upon the waters wherever You would call me 

My soul will rest in Your embrace

I am Yours and You are mine

Pic CR : Ctto

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