-Chapter 1-

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also the fight with ian is based off of how he would book hotels far from venues so he could get ones he could play golf at. (btw dont mind if i mess up american currency because ig thats where this takes place but im not american so idk if theres more to their currency then 1 dollar bills lmao)

Writing this instead playing minecraft with the rest of the boys right now, be gratful.

Btw ik the rolling stones fandom is dead at the moment but im a starving boy for bill x charlie content :( so im making it myself

Mick slammed the door of the phone booth as he stepped out. "Is he making us stay in the middle of nowhere, again?" Keith asked, genuinely curious. "Nope, I said we'd find our own place tonight." Mick responded almost proudly "Are you fucking stupid?" Keith looked bewildered at Mick's response. Brian piped up "do you even know how much good hotels are??" "Pssh, of course I do and of course I have enough." Mick said with a tinge of doubt in his words. He pulled out his wallet and opened it up, inside was a few quarters and 2 dollar bills. "2.75..." Charlie counted from over Brian's shoulder "Don't worry you guys I have another quarter in my jacket pocket." as Mick said this everyone looked at each other with mutual disappointment except Bill who definitely was not listening, he was looking down at his shoes, hands in the pockets of his big peacoat. "Hey, Bill didn't you find a couple Bucks in the changing room at the venue earlier?" Charlie said "huh?" Bill looked up from his shoes "Uh, yeah, yeah I did." He almost frantically unbuttoned his coat so he could get to the inside pocket. Bill took out the 2 green paper sheets and handed them to Charlie. 'Weird Charlie noticed that since we didn't talk at all in the dressing room Bill thought'. Charlie noticed Bill's eyes were a bit red but he didn't say anything "Thanks Bill." he said taking the money from him and passing it to Mick. "5 bucks!" Mick said as if it were enough for a room. "That's less than half of what we need if we want to stay in the city." Keith said "Well if you know so much why don't you just go ahead and pay for it." Mick said! thinking the comment would work. "You're the only one who brings a wallet to the shows, Mick. Since we usually get picked up by Ian right after." Keith said "But you ruined that for us.." Brian chimed in, looking away after. Mick looked like he was about say something nasty to Brian before Charlie handed Mick another couple bucks "Was going to use this to buy myself a treat but all of that should be enough for a shitty room on the outskirts of the city. It's nearly 8 o'clock we should start walking." Charlie patted Mick's back as to encourage him to start walking forward.

The group started walking to the outskirts of town, the cold wind blowing in their faces didn't help their moods. Maybe 30 minutes into the walk it was 8:18, it was getting quite dark. Bill was maybe a few feet behind the group struggling to keep up. Brian turned around "Pick up the pace, Bill!" he scowled through the strong wind. Brian grabbed Bill's coat sleeve, pulling him closer to the group. Bill tripped over Brian's shoe and accidently rammed his head into Keith's back "Ow! Fuck." "I'm so sorry Keith, I tripped" Bill almost pleaded knowing Keith was in a nasty mood. Keith rolled his eyes and rubbed the spot Bill hit on his back. This didn't make Bill feel super great, Bill sighed, pressing in his eyes trying not to admit to himself he was on the verge of tears. He was about to give into the pressure on his throat and the tears in his eyes before he felt a hand rubbing his upper back. Bill looked up to his left, Charlie was looking down at him, clearly sympathetic for the bassist. "It's not your fault Bill, they're all in shitty moods right now." Charlie assured him. Bill sighed and nodded, he stepped closer to Charlie so it was easier for him to rub his back. It soon started raining, Charlie looked up at the sky as if to check if it was actually raining Which Bill had a passing thought about it being quite charming. Charlie flipped up the big collar on Bill's peacoat to shield the back of his neck from the rain, he brushed his fingers through Bill's hair before flipping the collar up on his own coat. Bill was looking down at the side walk anticipating for the feeling of Charlie's hand on his back again, it never came, Charlie had put his hands back in his pockets. Which brought Bill back to the reality of the cold wind violently blowing his hair back and the rain spitting at his face. Bill was so tired he was ready to fall asleep on the sidewalk right there and then, but before he could Mick said loud enough for the whole group to hear "Hey guys, that hotel looks pretty shitty, lets try in there!" they rushed in hoping for a vacancy.

Mick went up to the old lady at the counter "How much for a night?" she pointed to a 'No Vacancy, sign hanging above the check in desk "Ah, shit.." Mick murmured "There might be vacancy at the place a few doors down, hun. Its a bit cheaper too" the lady added "Thank you!" Mick said already half way out the door.

They all arrived at the second hotel, it was even a dump on the outside, the whole place smelt of rat shit and smoke. Mick rushed to the front desk with no hesitation, he was reading the prices to himself "1 queen... 6.00, 2 queens... 7.00 1 king 1 queen... 8.00....." he stopped reading after the one they could afford. "2 queens, please." he handed the 7 dollars to the guy behind the desk. "Room 107, Ground floor" the worker pointed down the hall to his right and handed mick the key.

Mick pointed down the hall in the direction of their room "Let's go, you guys". Everyone seemed pretty unpleased by the stench except Mick who seemed happy he found somewhere to stay without Ian. The door finally bust opened after some struggle with the old lock. Everyone ran into the room hoping the room smelt less than the hallway. It was a bit better which was relieving for everyone.

♡//Not Your Fault//♡ Bill Wyman x Charlie Watts ||A Rolling Stones Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now