-Chapter 3-

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When Mick and Keith finally stopped chatting it was about 1 in the morning, they turned their lamp off, I was left with my own thoughts again. The day had been so awful from being woken up much too early to the somewhat choppy performance at the venue, then what really got me, after the show before we were meant to get picked up by Ian we were all hanging out in the dressing room with the dancers who were preforming at the venue next. Brian, probably making it with one of them down the hall and the rest of the guys were successfully flirting with the dancers. I would always try my best to join in on it, but most of the time the chicks would either push me off or ignore me entirely. It made me so mad, I would always try to convince myself they were all just picky about height but the same girls would be all over Brian. chicks would even try to get Charlie to notice them and most of the time he wouldn't even be trying to get their attention.

I felt so lonely. I'm just ugly aren't I. I sighed and noticed the pressure on my throat coming back. I was about to cry. I know I shouldn't be crying, I'm a man, not just a man, I'm a rock star for Christ's sake, I'm living many young men's dream right now.

I decided I may as well try to let it out or I'd feel the same tomorrow. I wish I could've gotten up and left to go cry outside but I didn't want to risk waking anyone. So I curled into a ball, my face in my knees. I started crying, almost immediate relief in my throat. Tears were streaming down my face, I tried my best not to let out any sobs but I couldn't help but to audibly weep a bit.

I was still facing Charlie's back until he turned over in his sleep, or at least I hope he was still sleeping but I swear I could feel his eyes on me. "Bill, are you crying?" Charlie whispered "Huh, no." My nose was stuffed so you could tell that was a lie from my voice. "It's ok to cry, Bill." He tucked the thin blanket back over my shoulder, "Mhm.." crying didn't feel ok, it made me feel like a idiot, I'm a man not a little boy. "Tell me Bill, what's the matter?" there was a moment of silence while I decided whether or not to say anything, I shifted my self forward so I didn't need to talk as loud. I could feel Charlie's breath on my forehead. "Charlie?" "Yes, Bill?" "Charlie, am I ugly?" tears started forming in my eyes again. "What? No, Bill why would anyone think that." Charlie said, starting to brush his fingers through my hair. I didn't respond to his question, I was focusing on the feeling of his fingers combing my hair, trying to distract myself from crying more. "If It's what happened in the dressing room, It's not your fault their all just prostitutes in fancy costumes." I had never heard Charlie talk about women that way, he sounded genuinely mad. "I don't know, I just feel so lonely. I never do anything, nothing fun, nothing. Besides these tours I never get out, I never have anyone to talk to." I sighed, Charlie stopped brushing his hand through my hair and just rest it on the side of my head, wiping the tears that were still forming in my eyes away with his thumb. "I can tell you one thing confidently, it's not because you're ugly. You're one of the most handsome people I know." Charlie rested his hand farther onto my cheek, I know he could feel my face getting hot from the compliment. I quickly covered my face with my hands pushing away his in the process "I know your ju- I know your just saying that to make me feel better." why was I so flustered by the comment he's just my friend trying to make me feel better. Charlie took my hands off my face and held them in his own. "I mean it, Bill, you have handsome everything. Your great smile, your gorgeous eyes, your charming laugh, your-" I cut him off "Oh, stop it Charlie." I'm glad the light was off because I was grinning like crazy "I know your smiling Bill." never mind then I guess the lighting didn't matter.

Charlie sat up "Bill, I'm going to take you somewhere, right now, I don't care how late it is, your going to go to bed happy tonight." He basically dragged me out of bed "But Charlie were going to wake up the others." I whispered noticing we hadn't been making an effort to stay quiet "You're more important right now." he held up my coat so I could put my arms through it, which I did. Then I put on my shoes and Charlie unlocked the door to the room.

♡//Not Your Fault//♡ Bill Wyman x Charlie Watts ||A Rolling Stones Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now