-Chapter 2-

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sorry this was kinda short but i need to get to bed it is late
Also ignore the banner photo it was too funny and I couldn't find a good one lmao

       -Bill's POV-

As soon as we entered the room Keith sped walk to the bed furthest from the bathroom door and threw his hat and coat beside the bed, Mick did the same. We've had to split bed's similarly in the past since Ian would occasionally purchase room's with three king beds taking one for himself, of course. I knew the routine, Mick and Keith would share because they were close and didn't mind and since they were the songwriters they would commonly '' get inspiration in the middle of the night ''  which I believe is their excuse to talk up a storm at 2 in the morning. Then me and Brian would share which sucked because he steals covers and never gives them back, and for Charlie, well he barely slept anyways but when he would get back from doing whatever he was doing, he would either sleep on a cot if the room came with one or would share with me and Brian Because of how close Brian would sleep to the edge of the bed. Of course I never minded when he did, the warmth of someone else in the bed nearly made up for the missing covers.

       "You all good?" Charlie waved his hand in front of my face, I realized I was spaced out, blocking the clothing rack "I'm sorry Charlie, I've just been out of it today." "I noticed, it's ok" he responded. I didn't even realize that I hadn't moved, I really am out of it. I was about to get out of the way but I guess Charlie took me not moving as a " take my jacket off for me "  because he flipped my collar back down and lightly tugged on the back of my sleeves, the coat slipped off, he hung it up and then did the same for my small leather vest I had over my white button up. I still stood in the same spot, I'm not sure why or what I was expecting. He lightly pushed me towards the bed, I felt like a little kid being sent to sleep. I got up on the bed and kneeled in the middle of it, I unbuttoned the top button on my shirt so I wouldn't get choked in my sleep. Brian violently tugged the rest of my blanket from under me, making me fall on my stomach. I sighed and rolled onto my back, I had planned to take my boots off and wash my mouth out with some water to make up for the lack of toothpaste or brush but the bed felt so much better. I heard Charlie take his coat and his boots off, and start walking to his side of the bed but he paused at the end of bed and I felt him pull my boots off and toss them on the ground "thanks" I muttered, I saw him nod his head out of the corner of my eye.

       "Hey look at this" Charlie said, holding up a tacky decorative blanket that was neatly folded at the bottom of the mattress, "We wont be completely blanketless tonight!" he said humourously just loud enough for Brian to hear if he was still awake. "Oh just turn the light off already." Brian grunted clearly getting what Charlie was referencing.

        Charlie got into bed and threw the blanket over top of us. He turned away from me and flicked the bedside lamp off. "Goodnight Charlie." "Goodnight Bill.".

♡//Not Your Fault//♡ Bill Wyman x Charlie Watts ||A Rolling Stones Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now