-Chapter 5-

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We started walking down the sidewalk, it was cold and wet. "I remember it was just down-". I got cut off by a car nearly splashing me with a puddle. The water was less than a meter from hitting me. Startled, I almost fell backwards but I caught myself before I could fall. "Jesus, Bill, you ok?" Charlie looked like he was ready to reach out and catch me, which I did appreciate. "Yeah, I'm all good, that was just unexpected." I looked up at Charlie and grinned, trying to hide how much it had frightened me. "Just, uh, just don't stand so close to the road." Charlie pulled me in, closer to him by my shoulder. This was nearly as unexpected as the water, but certainly not as unpleasant. "Thank you." I expected him to let go of my shoulder, but he didn't. I wasn't mad, it was quite soothing, really. The weight of his arm over my upper back, our waists and legs slightly rubbing together. We stayed walking like this in silence for awhile before I realized I was probably getting too comfortable, my head was basically laying on his shoulder. I snapped out of it. "Yeah, as I was saying, umm, the park is just over here." I pointed to a sign across the road. Charlie took his arm off my shoulder. "Ohh, I know this place. There's a great lake here." I was confused on how he'd been here before, but he also often surprised me and the rest of the band with stories about everywhere we go. So I wasn't too shocked.

We crossed the road. There was a short trail before it led into a wider open park. There was a children's playground in the middle of a circular trail. The trees were open enough to look over the lake centered market square. We started walking down the trail. We lit some cigarettes and just started making small talk about current events, the fight with Ian and Mick, the unamused worker at the café, opinions on meaningless things. When we made it half way around the trail there was a hill looking out over the market square and lake.

We decided to sit at the bench that was overlooking it all. We were definitely sitting closer to each other on the bench than we needed to be but I wasn't going to move over or bring it up. "You think anything is open down there?" Charlie was looking down into the market square. "I doubt it, even if there is I don't feel like going down there, I'm already getting tired." "Really? That's fine we'll just stay here.".

3rd Person

After they talked for a bit Charlie noticed a patch of daisies next to them. "Bill, I know its childish, but it's something to do. You want to make daisy chains?" there was a couple seconds of silence before Bill answered. "How?" "Have you never made daisy chains before?" Charlie was surprised "No, I don't think I've made daisy chains before." Bill looked embarrassed despite the lightheartedness of it "Well now we have to.". Charlie sat in the grass next to the daisy patch and gestured Bill to join him. Charlie started picking daisies and putting them in a pile. "What do you do with them, just connect them?" "Make bracelets or necklaces or just see how many you can connect together before you get bored. Not a lot to it."

Bill's POV

Charlie scooched closer to me in the grass and showed me how you cut the end of the daisy stem open with your nail and then slip the stem of the daisy through it. I tried it myself and got the just of it fairly quickly. We sat there for a bit in the wet grass making daisy chains. "Here." Charlie took my arm and slipped a neatly made daisy chain around my wrist. The bracelet was delicately crafted, no stem space between the flowers and it fit pretty well around my wrist. "Thank you!" I looked at Charlie and smiled "I should make one for you back." I quickly connected the chain and took Charlie's arm. I slipped the bracelet around his wrist as he had done for me. "It's not perfect but it fits!" I said, turning around Charlie's hand with mine, looking at my creation. "I think it's great, Bill, it has character at least.". He smiled and I smiled back. I still hand his hand in mine. I was waiting for him to let go of our hands since I didn't want to. I had a quick thought of this being kind of romantic but pushed aside as quick as it came and asked "Should we head back now?" "That might be a good idea since the venue for tomorrow is pretty far away and we have quite a drive ahead of us.". We got up from our spot In the daisy patch and started walking back out the park.

♡//Not Your Fault//♡ Bill Wyman x Charlie Watts ||A Rolling Stones Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now