-Chapter 6-

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       We finally got back to the hotel. We were outside the front door when I noticed Charlie taking off the daisy bracelet. I understood why. We would never hear the end of it from the other guys but something about it still kind of hurt me. I took mine off too, quickly and carefully putting it in my jacket pocket, making sure not the bend it.

      We walked back through the hotel hall quietly, knowing that there's people sleeping. When we got to our room I Jiggled the lock in the door until it cracked open. I peaked through the door before fully walking in, Keith and Brian were sitting on the edge of Me, Charlie and Bri's bed, lighting a couple cigarettes. Mick seemed to still be fast asleep in his own bed on the other side of the room.

    "Where've you two been?" Keith said cheekily, resting his elbow on his other hand. I waited for Charlie to respond to his question, but he was already hanging up his damp coat. "We were bored and couldn't sleep so uh we took a walk." I said looking back at Keith. Damn, why'd I respond to that so suspiciously. We didn't do anything out of the ordinary, really. Brian and Keith exchanged glances and grinned as if they thought I was lying. "Mhm, yeah, that makes sense." Brian said sarcastically, clearly holding in a laugh. They glanced at each other again and immediately started cackling and giggling like two drunk chicks at a bar.

       "Oi, keep it down over there.." Mick called sleepily from the other side of the hotel room. Brian and Keith covered their mouths, still giggling and ran out the door.

       It finally came to my mind that Brian probably heard me and Charlie's conversation in bed before we left. I hung up my coat and vest while dwelling on the thought. Then the embarrassment hit me like load of bricks. I flung myself onto the bed and cupped my head in my hands, slapping my forehead in the process. Bri probably thinks were in love or some shit. I felt Charlie crawl into the bed. He passed me some of the covers and laid down on the other side of the bed. A couple minutes passed. I was waiting. I don't know what I'm waiting for. I cleared my throat. I don't why I did but I already did it so it doesn't matter. A couple seconds went by and I did it again. At this point I'm ready to admit to myself I'm trying to get Charlie's attention. Charlie turned over to the other side, facing my back now. I started chewing at my nails. I didn't want to admit it but I want him to move closer to me. I want to feel his warmth. I want him to comfort me and tell me how handsome I am again. I'm so gross. I hate this.

    "You all good, Bill?" Charlie mumbled sleepily. "Uh, I'm just cold. I'm good." I responded, hoping he'd catch on to the fact I want him to come over here and wrap his arms around me, pull me in tight and praise me for being so good-. I caught myself at that thought. I lurched. Almost gagging at the fact that I would think of my friend that way. I cupped one of my hands over my mouth and the other around my stomach. Ew. I thought. Ew, ew, ew, ew ,ew. My head was spinning, there was a big knot in the pit of my stomach and I'm pretty sure I almost just vomited in my mouth. Why am I thinking like this. He did something nice for me for one night. What's wrong with me. I'm a touch starved piece of shit, that's why no one ever wants to fucking be with me.

      "You want me to come a bit closer so it's not so cold?" Charlie said, interrupting my thoughts. It took me a second to regain my solidity but I mustered up a "mhm" and a couple seconds after an almost regretfully desperate sounding "please" to follow it. Charlie moved forward. I could feel his heat radiating off of him. "Do you want me to put my arm around you, Bill? You can be honest." Charlie said, leaning closer so he could whisper. I wanted to immediately say yes but there was a part of me telling me not to act too desperate even though I am. "Not in a weird way of course." Charlie added. "Okay, sure. I'd like that." I said trying to seem nonchalant about it even though my heart was beating 1000 miles a minute. "Just because it's cold." I added. Charlie adjusted the blanket and gently wrapped his arm around me, pulling me in just a bit. I think I let out a loud nose exhale of satisfaction and relief. Charlie didn't say anything about it so I doubt it was too weird. Unless it was and he was just trying to be nice. Before my head could spiral out of control with more paranoid, panic inducing thoughts I was able to go to my happy place and doze off to sleep in Charlie's arms.

♡//Not Your Fault//♡ Bill Wyman x Charlie Watts ||A Rolling Stones Fanfiction||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon