-Chapter 8-

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Charlie's POV

       Bill was laying his head on my shoulder, he was asleep. I didn't mind whatsoever but I kind of wanted to get some sleep myself. I couldn't go to sleep right there since I was kind of propping Bill up with my arm. I was I looked around the van, I was pretty sure everyone was asleep or at least resting because of the quietness but I wanted to make sure. It wasn't that I was embarrassed being affectionate with Bill but I knew that the rest of the guys might find it kind weird. I carefully slid Bill off of my shoulder and into my lap so his head was resting on my thighs. I think he'd be comfortable, they're pillow-like enough. I looked down at him, he looked so happy and peaceful in his sleep. I stroked my hand through his hair.

       I don't really know what's come over me these past couple months. I don't even know if I really like Bill that way. At least I'm telling myself that so I don't get my hopes up. I've never been interested in a man before. It felt so much different. It didn't feel the same as when I had been with women. It didn't feel like I was just doing these affectionate things because I was doing them for a woman. I felt like was doing these things because it felt right. I caught myself running my fingers across Bill's lips. I stopped as soon as realised what I was doing, thinking it was probably kind of creepy. I quickly looked around the bus making sure no one saw what I did. I carefully wrapped my hand around Bill's and rested my head back on the seat. I was comfortable enough that I fell asleep quite quickly.

 4 Hours Later.

       I woke up to Keith and Mick singing along to Down At The Landing by John Lee Hooker. I was slowly blinking, looking around the van, waiting for my eyes to focus.  I noticed Andrew was looking me and Bill through his sunglasses out of the corner of his eye. We made eye contact for a second and he looked away. I didn't really panic or anything because I'm pretty sure he saw me sleeping with my arms wrapped around Bill this morning. He didn't say anything to me about it and I doubt he would bring it up to anyone else. I looked down at Bill. He had moved a bit in his sleep. He was no longer sleeping on his back, but on his side, facing my stomach. He had one of his hands up near his face, resting on my upper thigh. I understood why Andrew was looking at us weird. I'd also be a bit concerned if I was a manager and looked over to see one of my clients resting his face basically overtop of another one of my clients crotch. I pushed Bill back onto his back to wake him up.

Bill's POV

       I woke up, I was laying down, curled up in the seat with my head on Charlie's lap. I hoped he had put me there and that I wasn't invading his space. "Hello, Bill. You've been sleeping for a long time" Charlie said, greeting me from my slumber "I have?" I was suprised I've never really been one to sleep on road trips.  I sat up "You must have a really comfortable lap then." I added, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I looked out the window, we were back in a city, definitely close to our destination. My theory was confirmed when Ian turned around in the drivers seat while we were at a red light "Were almost there, folks" Ian said in a flat tone, definitely tired from the almost non stop driving. During the silence of the track changing on the portable cassette player I could hear Brian snoring from across the van. "How the fuck did I sleep, has it been this loud the whole time?" I asked turning my head in Charlie's direction. "Ehh, I don't think so. I woke up from the noise just a little bit ago." Charlie said passing me a cigarette. He lit his own first and then mine. Mick turned around in his seat to face me "Where the hell've you been" Nodding at me. "I've been asleep" I said, proceeding to take a drag on my cig. Mick was looking back and fourth in between my original seat and where I was sitting with Charlie. It was awkward seeing how long it took Mick to piece everything together. "Is he a comfortable pillow?" Mick said, pointing at Charlie and snickering in between amused coughs. Charlie, who had been looking out the window, looked back over. I opened my mouth to answer him but Keith grabbed at his sweater to get his attention back. Mick turned around before I could say anything. Me and Charlie just looked at each other. There was a second of silence and then we both burst out laughing. We were smiling at each other, grinning and giggling, we made eye contact the whole time but there was never a second where it was uncomfortable. Our faces were close together but nothing you'd look twice at. I could slightly feel his exhale against my face, it made me laugh even more.

Charlie's POV

       I was looking into Bill's eyes I wasn't even smiling because of what happened with Mick anymore. I was just imaging being closer to him. I was remembering what his lips felt like on my fingers. I nonchalantly pretended like I was wiping something off my face but I was trying to imagine what his lips would feel like on mine. Our laughing came to a stop, we were just looking into each others eyes. Bill was breathing heavily from laughing so hard. I could see the expression in his eyes change. I knew then that he felt the same way about me that I did about him.

Bill's POV

       I wanted him so bad. If he leaned into kiss me right there in front of everyone, I wouldn't care. I just wanted to feel his lips against mine. My thoughts were interrupted by the van getting violently parked in front of the hotel were going to stay at. I was brought back to reality. There was a huge bang  "WHAT THE FUCK" Bri yelled "why'd you park the car so damn hard." Brian had been thrown out of his seat. He got up and didn't even make it out of the van before vomiting up his entire fucking insides. I mean I know he drinks a lot but Jesus Christ I've never seen anyone so hungover. There was no point in grabbing all the gear from the trunk yet so we all just got out of the van.

       Brian was still vomiting by the outside of the van. Andrew was standing next to him saying stuff like "You're not going to be fucking drinking again as long as I'm here." The rest of us were walking into the hotel lobby so we could get checked in. Ian got the key from the worker at the front and we went up to the room. It was a massive room in comparison to the dump we stayed in last night. There was four rooms all with queen sized beds. I had no idea how much Ian even had to spend on this place but no matter how much I was stoked. Andrew and Bri came through the door quickly after. Brian just immediately just walked to one of the rooms and locked the door behind him. We definitely were not going to hear from him for the rest of the night.  Andrew, Ian and Mick all went back down to the van to get some of our stuff since we'll be staying a couple nights. Keith was looking through the hotel room's small kitchen, seeing if there was any provided liquor or food. I took my coat and boots off. Charlie did the same. Mick came back with three suitcases. two of them were his, of course, and the third one was Keith's. Ian and Andrew came up quickly after with the rest of our bags. Andrew passed me mine. "Thank you, Andrew" I took my suitcase and immediately went over to one of the two unoccupied rooms. Charlie followed behind me shortly after with his bag. I unclamped my suitcase and pulled out my filming camera that I had just filled up with a fresh roll of film before our last show. I love taking videos and photos of every hotel we stay at, every venue, and other random shit that I feel needs to be documented. Sometimes it annoys my bandmates because we get filmed enough by the press. I disagree, home videos are so much different than the kinds of footage the press captures. I immediately started filming. I pointed the camera at Charlie who was putting his suitcase on the bed, he waved at the camera. I left our bedroom and filmed down the hallway a bit. Keith came up to me and pretended to punch the camera. I liked when he and my other bandmates did funny stuff to the camera. I loved being able to capture someone's personality in a piece of media I can keep forever. I filmed a bit of the kitchen and living area and then stopped filming. I just wanted to capture the feel of the new hotel room. I wish I had filmed the shitty one too but I didn't have my camera then. I went back to me and Charlie's room. He had gotten into pyjamas. A loose fitting white shirt and navy blue pyjama pants. "Is everyone else getting ready for bed or are they staying up?" Charlie asked. "Well Bri's already in bed. I think Keith is trying to stay up because there's booze in the fridge but I don't think Andrew is letting that happen. Then I think everyone else is off to bed as well." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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♡//Not Your Fault//♡ Bill Wyman x Charlie Watts ||A Rolling Stones Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now