-Chapter 7-

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I woke up to Andrew banging his fist against the open hotel door. I sat up. Brian and Keith were passed out in the doorway. Beer cans spilt in front of them. I looked around for Charlie since he wasn't in bed. Andrew probably saw me looking confused "Charlie has been packing things into the van outside." I nodded slowly, groggy from being woken up. "LETS GO YOU GUYS." Andrew yelled, kicking Brian in the side, who was face first on the ground in front of him. Keith got up slowly, tripping over Brian before gaining stability. I was tired as shit but I knew we had to get going since our next show is pretty important and a whole road trip away. I got up despite my dazed state. I slipped into my boots n jacket and tip toed around my passed out bandmate so I could get out the door.

While walking down the hallway I remembered everything that happened last night. I slowed down so I wouldn't reach the end of the hallway as fast and carefully took out the daisy bracelet in my jacket pocket. It was still in tact. I was admiring it in my hand. I was about to put it around my wrist when I heard Mick behind me "Hey, Man, what's that?" I could see Mick's index finger pointing to the daisy bracelet in my hand out of the corner of my eye. For whatever stupid reason, I panicked. "What's what?" I shoved in my pocket. I cringed I felt the bracelet bend while I put it back. "Was that a daisy chain?" Mick said, amused. "Uh, no? Yes? I don't know. I just found it." I said flustered, trying to save myself. "Finally got yourself a little lady friend huh, Bill?" he said nudging my side encouragingly. I smiled, Charlie, my lady friend. I giggled out loud a little bit "Mayybee." I said half laughing and avoiding eye contact with Mick. "Good for you, Man." Mick said, walking past me, to the van. I started picking up my speed. I wanted to see Charlie again. I had that same little feeling in my stomach I got when I was a little boy with a school crush. I wouldn't admit it to myself but I like Charlie. I like him a lot.

I made it outside of the hotel, the tour van was sitting in the parking space right in front of the building. I immediately spotted Charlie. He was putting a box in the trunk. I walked over to him. Charlie greeted me, "Hey, Bill" "Hello, Charlie" I stood there, realising I didn't really have anything to say and just wanted to stand where he was. We looked each other in the eye for a couple seconds. Charlie looked away, closing the trunk of the van. Charlie broke the silence "How'd you sleep?" he looked back at me. "Oh, very well, thanks" I smiled, waiting for him to say something again. I wanted to hear his voice. "I slept great as well." Charlie said. I was fidgeting with my hands together in front of me. Charlie squeezed my hands while walking past me to the front of the van. It was only a second of physical touch but it made me feel like I had been injected with liquid sunshine. My pure happiness was interrupted by Andrew coming out of the building. Bri flung over one of his shoulders and dragging Keith by the wrist behind him. "We've got ten hours of driving to be done and we've gotta be on the highway by seven if we want to even think about making our hotel booking." Andrew said this through heaves and wheezes, clearly not fit enough to be holding a grown man over his shoulder. Brian was short but definitely growing a little bit of a gut from all the alcohol.

       Charlie noticed Andrew struggling and offered to walk Bri onto the van. Andrew slipped Brian off his shoulder and onto Charlie. Brian was far from conscious but not fully passed out. He stumbled and threw his full body weight onto Charlie. Charlie caught him by the waist and started walking him to the van. Seeing Charlie's hands on Brian's waist made me feel a way I had never truly felt before. I felt kinda mad. But I was also sad? It took me a second to realise what I was feeling. I wanted Charlie to touch me like that. I was jealous. We all got on the van. The van was quite bus like. Six seats that could fit two or three people each. There was some space and our gear in the back. We all got a seat to ourselves so we could lay down a bit if we wanted to. Brian and Keith were in the front for obvious reasons. Mick was behind Keith because why wouldn't he be. Andrew was behind Brian to make sure he was fine and me and Charlie were in the back. The jealousy continued when I saw Charlie put Bri down in his seat. Putting a pillow under his head and putting a blanket over him. I knew it wasn't a big deal. He was just doing the right thing. I would've done the same thing but I still felt kinda jealous. Ian started driving. It wasn't too long before we got onto the main highway. I was tired but couldn't get comfortable so I was reading an American travel log I found in the back. "Don't you get carsick?" I turned my head. Charlie was looking at me, from the isle side of his seat. "Not really." I closed the travel log and moved over the the isle side of my seat. "I mean yeah I get a nauseous but it's better than being bored." I added, wanting the conversation to continue. "I wish I was like that but I hate the feeling of being nauseous way too much." Charlie said. We were sitting on the sides of our seats so we could face each other. The isle was small so our legs were brushing against each other. There was a moment where we were both just looking down at our legs touching. "Do you want to come sit over here so you can read me some of that book?" Charlie pointed at the travel log in my hand. "Yeah, sure". Charlie moved over so I could sit next to him. There was definitely enough room for both of us the sit but we sat close enough together that our thighs touched. "It's just a travel log, nothing that interesting." I said, flipping through the pages of the pocket sized booklet. "Read me some anyways"

       I had read Charlie some of the book but it was pretty boring so we just ended up talking to each other instead. "Thanks for taking me out yesterday, Charlie." "Taking you out?" Charlie laughed "if I knew it was a date i would've at least bought you flowers" Charlie grinned in amusement. I just looked at him, flushed. "Uhm, well it's uh it's" I didn't bother to finish my sentence, Charlie took my hand in his, interlocking our fingers. Charlie leaned in close to my ear so nobody else could hear him "I'd like to go out with you again, Bill" he said, smiling. "Yeah" I said just looking back at him, my mouth slightly agape. The seats were high enough that no one could really see us. I put my head on Charlie's shoulder. This time I didn't feel like I was "getting too comfortable" or something. It just felt right. I was so happy.

♡//Not Your Fault//♡ Bill Wyman x Charlie Watts ||A Rolling Stones Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now