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That Saturday afternoon Harry spent the rest of the morning with Draco and fleshed out a bit more of what made him different from his real husband. After their tiring discussion, they both decided time to themselves was needed, and Draco took up a spot in the living room, Harry on the other side, sprawled on the floor with papers littering their coffee table.

His husband -Merlin save him- had directed him to his work things where apparently this version of himself had kept notes on an impressive amount of his life. They weren't exactly detailed, which made Harry feel a little closer to his alternate self, but they had enough tiny bits of info to be helpful in the situation if someone at the DMLE asked him about a case. It was odd to see his own handwriting but not remember writing it, especially the little notes in the margin about dates and timing with Draco.

The worst was the large note underlined a few times with stars around it that said, 'Schedule Adoption.' He vanished it from the page and tried make sure the man enthralled in his book didn't see him doing it.

He wrote down what he knew, figuring if the method worked for other-him, then it could work for this version of him too. It made him feel a little more at home, doing Auror work.

Gray, hooded figure, sharp spell casting, normal build, tall.

Went after book by any means necessary.

Anticipated attacks, good intuition.

Dumbledore committed a murder... probably at a moment in his life where he was willing to murder a child.

Harry would have to think and read into Dumbledore's life here if that information was going to help him. Or, he would need to just ask Dumbledore himself. Azkaban was a risky option, even for someone like him being the Minister's son and all.

James and Lily Potter still alive.

The thought just made him happy so he wrote it down, but it did matter. There were so many people who still existed in this today, more so than those who had existed in his previous reality. Not to mention Iris and Aries. Someone here truly could have the motivation for either wanting to live, or wanting their loved one to live. However, even if their motivations were good, the Department of Mysteries would want not only his arse, but this person's as well. It was best now to just keep it between him and Hermione.

It was possible Dumbledore got ahold of his manuscript, and that was where Harry was going to start, it being his most reasonable idea to date. He would need to ask the minister for permission and rights to go to Azkaban. It meant he needed to ask his father.

Hopefully Hermione could come along, for as good as an Auror as he was, she would always be the one better able to put things together. The quicker they could figure this all out, the better, and while Harry might be able to piece it together himself, he just preferred her with him.

Glancing at an unsuspecting Draco, in his own world as his book seemed to finally hold his attention, he worried for Hermione. She wasn't in any danger, but keeping the secret from her husband seemed precarious. He understood the risk of telling Snape now meant the past day or so of not knowing would upset him... or at least catch him off his guard, but wouldn't it be better if he knew? So she could ease herself in instead of attempting to just jump in the deep end. It was simple fact she was carrying his child too. Harry thought it might have inspired some candor in her... until Draco's words from this morning rang in his ears.

Ignorance is bliss.

He thought about how Hermione said he would do the same thing if the opposite had happened. That apparently Harry would have played it off, even after learning they were stuck there forever, or so she thought.

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