Chapter 7 - The Backworms

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I have stopped worming after doing it for 4 or so minutes. I was now in the backrooms.. Uh oh spaghettio , i think to myself. How am I supposed to get out of this predicament? If i got here by worming, maybe thats how i get out... I worm around the rooms and notice I am actually worming in circles. What the fuck. Then i think....maybe the way to get out is stank legging... but i dont know how! I think to myself then remember Dean showed me a tutorial one time. The tutorial was pretty bad and got violent but that's okay. I begin to attempt the stanky leg. It was slow at first but I quickly picked up the pace and began stanky leg to the surface. I shot through the roof of the backrooms and ended up exactly 10 feet and 4.2 inches from the pod." I ' M H O M E" I cry out. No one hears me because I am still 10 feet and 4.2 inches from the pod. I worm my way back and walk inside. "I m b a c k , w h e r e i s m y s c o t c h g a r d ?" I ask. I notice that gener, deaner, and Y/N inhaled it all. I start stanky legging in rage. "Hey, you can stanky leg!" Deaner says. Gener is passed out on the floor. Y/N is glowing greener than ever. Gener wakes up. "Hey meaner......" I knock him out again/. No one touches meany's scotchgard.

End of chapter 7

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