Chapter 10 - Olive Garden Yaoi

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On the way home, Deaner driv e past Olive Gardne. He looks longingly at the building. He was having horrible thoughts... The smell of the spaghetti sauce and all you can eat breadsticks took over the car. He knew what he had to do. He drove straight into the building. "You want to eat here, Deaner?" you ask. "NO NO NO NO I HATE IT HERE" he screams. His scream wakes up Gener. Everyone inside stared at the dingy car that was now parked in the middle of the dining area. "Ugjh.... Stoners." some woman said in disgust to her middle aged husband who was slobleing on some dr Rock-pepper. A waitress came up crying anf shaking. "C-c-c-c-can i help you>?" she asks. "NO.... G-Go AWAY." Dean yells. He is distraught and shaking like my skin after the radesiation. Except not gren. I am embarrassed and just want to sit down. "Table for 3 please." Dean's head quickly turned back at me his eyes were red and he shot lazser. It htt me but it was ok he was kinda hot. The laser felt good on my radioactive skin. Gener helped me drag Dean to the table as he was kicking and screaming. "THIS IS NOT REAL ITALIAN U FUCKS." He cried. He was kicking so much the employees put him in a high chair. He. Gener looks at the menu, wiggling his eyebrows in the process. This was hot, but Deaner's tantrum was ruining it. "Fuck you Dean." I said. Dean was practically spinning in circles in his boo boo high chair but he immediately stopped. And cried. "Im sorry Deany :(" I said. "Lets get some breadsticks..." You noticed his mouth start to dribble a bit. His pupils had turned into swirls and he was sweatingBut even as the waitress brought out those beautiful sticks of bread, Deanier insisted that he did not want to be here. "The breadsticks suck!!! This place sucks!!!" he yelled with a mouthful of bread. The customers were getting sick of his bitching. One man tried to approach us but the moment he saw me he screamed and ran off. He didn't even pay the bill. "Dude, you say you hate Olive Garden and yet you're practically deepthroating those sticks." Genst said before also deepthroating a stick. Dean's jaw dropped, bread going everywhere. "It's just the breadsticks........otherwise this place sucks.....i just like to have a breadstick every now and then....i can quit anytime i want........" Deaner says n ervously. "But what about the time you said the All of Garden can suck your New Jersey dick.... Was that a lie...? On our first dat you said you would never eat anything from this pla-" "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!!!!" Dean screams once more, rudely cutting off Gene and making him cry. I looked at the two of them awkwardly, and then at the ground cause my eye kinda droops after wehile. The waitress returned, "What would yoai like to order?" She smiled and shimmied. Deaner looked up at her, his face leaking fluid and covered in bread cums. "Nothing!!" he yells. "I will have the ravoli" Gener sas politely. You sigh, knowing deep down Deane really wants something. "Two spaghetti please." you say. "Ok coming wight up :3" the waitwess says and huwwies to get yowr food. She comes back with the ravoli and spaghettis and hands them to you and Gene. You grab one bowl of spaghetti and look at Dean. His eyes light up, but then he turns away and looks at the ground, focusing on a mysterious stain. You immediately inhale both plates of spaghetti. Deaner looks back and cries. Gene sighs and proceeds to watch you suck down the spag. You make eye contact while you are sucking the spag. Nice. Deaner starts kicking his feet again and is sobbing. "WHAT." You and gener yell at the same time. "I CAN'T TELL YOU GUYS I JUST..... CANT" He sobs. You are sitting across from him and cant put your hand on his shoulder so you grab his foot. "It's okay can tell us..." "NO... YOU WONT UNDERSTAND..." he cries. "Maybe not but we will still love you probably...please tell us.." Gener says, grabbing his other foot. You and Gene accidentally brush hands while you are grabbing Dean's grippers. You look at him and blug. You are both bluging and giggling and forget what was even going on. "What were we talking about?" You ask Deaner. "'s time to go...." he says, relieved but sad. They walk back into the car. "We don't pay cause we're swagg yolo." Gene yells. The employees are just happy to have us out of there. Deaner drives out the other end of the building. The impact knocks out Gener.
End of chaptwr 10

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