Chapter 9 - Banned in taiwan

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The three of you walk towards the janky car yet again. You and Gener fight over the passenger seat thistime. Gener decides he will sit on your lap. He is crushing you slightly with his white boy ass but you dont mind. He turns his head a complete 360 and looks back at you. Grinning. His grin reminds you of a cereal killer but you liked cerseal it was ok. Deaner hops into the car ansd puts the key in . The janky ass car makes a sound similar to unpuking a quesadilla. The car begins to move backwards, it () hits the Pod door and then drives away. Deane r starts driving to the precious basin ronnins. They get there and he drives into the building. The sign falls onto the car but bounces back into place.(car is also eslasticle) . "Weoclome to baskin robbins how can i help you" the employee asks,. You look at the employee, he kind of resembles mean ween if he was wearing a blonde wig and sunglasses. "Give me flavor number 32 please" You tell the employee. They slap you. "You stupid FUCK. we only have 31 flavors" You glow green with rage, the employee gets scared and pulls out the secret 32nd flavor. Dean And Gene are very impressed. Its guava flavor! "This flavor was banned in Taiwan so please enjoy it and dont kill me" The employee sysas while shaking. Gener is up next and asks for a scoop of daiquiri ice. Him and Dean's second favorite creamy treat. "Also do you have funnels?" Gener asks. "Funnels? Yes we do but they're in the seecret room. Come with me;." The employer said while twiddling his fingers. You all followed the emplotyyee into the secret room. It was full of funnels an d the guava ic cream. "Enjoy." the worker said locking the three of you in there., laughing evilly. You all looked at each other neevously. Deaner picked up a funnel from the shelf. "Open wide Genny" he says. Gener is very happy to be receiving a mouthful of creamy treat. You stares, confused but slightly disturbed in the lower realm. You pop open a lid of guaggle and take a bite. "MMMMMMMMMMMMM DEEEEEEEEELISH." You yell in excitement. You hrab a funnel and pour it through so you can eat it faster. Gene and Deam stare at you in surprise. This is when tey both knew they had fallen in love with you.....or their stomachs were just turning form the ice cream. You bludghs as you notice they are drooling and foaming at the mouth and barking. Suddenly a muffled voice can be heard from the other room " WIL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP I HATE DOGS" They try to stop but are barking uncontrollanly. All of a sudden you hear a gun shot. They stop barking but are still foaming at the mouth and start whimpering.You finish the container of gusaba ice cream and throw it to the floor. You bang on the door of the secret room "Let us out !!!!!!" You scream softly. You hear footsteps but then they stop. "I'll let you guys out only if you answer this quesstionn. "Whats" What an easy question... you think to yourself. Dean and gene however seem to be thinking very hard about this, swerating nervously. "1"" You answer. You hear the door crek open. They lookat you once again impress.d. "Wow yer smart :)" Gener says. You all get into the janky car which is still inside the . Then drive out the other side. What a fun trip this was. However, it owulds going to get even funner. While driving Deaner sees a can of scotchgard in the road and stops to get it. The car stops so fast gener hits the windshield and passes out. "GENER BABY NOO" You cry. End of cgapter 9

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