Chapter 28

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Menma squared his shoulders before taking a deep breath and looking at Naruto directly. The fact that the man seated across from him was the Shodai was perhaps a little hard to believe but Madara hadn't batted an eye so he didn't doubt it.

Still, the resemblance to his brother was uncanny. Was his mother directly related to the Shodai or something? Not as far as he knew. Not to mention that the Shodai looked more like his father than his mother. That aside, for now, he had a question to answer.

"Uzumaki Mito has always had a hand in my family, more so than someone who is merely fond of my mother, Kushina Uzumaki, as she so liked to proclaim." Menma began, "She's always kept my mother close to her side despite my mother marrying into another clan. If I'm not mistaken, thinking back on it, Mito was the one that had encouraged the union between my parents. Originally I thought it was because of my father's obvious ties to the Hokage position and the likeliness of his becoming the Hokage at that point in time. Mito seemed to know that Minato was next in line for the hat. I thought perhaps she was trying to sway more power in her direction. Regardless, it resulted in a young marriage, and I was born quite soon after.

"But that's not right, is it? Mito hid herself away. Besides, that's hardly like her." Naruto mused, inwardly amused with Menma's attitude. He'd come to find Menma's obvious distaste of his younger self to be rather annoying. This side of Menma was somewhat refreshing. Although with his insight into Mito, he knew that she had probably been trying to ensure that he was born. Still, Menma's perspective would be an interesting one to consider.

"Yes," Menma agreed before continuing, "Mito had stepped down and seemingly away from my family, but my mother was more and more involved in the clan. My father began training for the Hokage position, and as a result they were home less and less. I found out later that it was through Mito's insistence that my brother, Naruto, was even born. There was a short period of time where Mito had insisted my mother spend time with my father, staying at home rather than going to the clan. It was probably one of the happiest periods of time I remember having with my family."

Naruto couldn't help the frown. When he'd imagined a family, life with his parents, he'd always imagined more . . . well more bonding and affection. Looking back at his memories, even he had noticed the lack of that, a lack of presence when it came to his family members. Always out, always busy.

Thinking back to his memories as his younger self, he hadn't even noticed Mito. She appeared to have kept her distance after his birth, not even being mentioned in the household. He certainly hadn't known she was still alive until Madara declared his attack. That in mind, he hadn't become suspicious due to the fact that his parents' busy routines had already been established and set by the time he old enough to remember anything at all.

"During that time, it was my happiest memories, yes . . . but they were also some of the more trying." Menma's expression became pained and Naruto felt his throat squeezing closed with the emotions he sensed emanating from Menma's chakra. "You see, my brother was born mute. We don't know why, but Naruto didn't talk for almost five years. He could barely focus on any one thing for more than a moment. For a time it we were certain he'd remain that way for the rest of his life. It broke my mother's heart."

Naruto looked away sheepishly. "Yeah, that's my fault."

Menma's brow furrowed as he frowned before asking "How?" His expression had been distant, reminiscent. Now, his gaze sharpened as his focus snapped to the present, his attention piqued.

Naruto looked to the roof of the tent as he scratched the back of his head. With a slight hum he turned his gaze back on Menma. "As I hear it, my chakra and your brother's chakra are very similar. Almost exactly the same. Almost but never exact. Here, since he's your brother, our chakra should be very close as well." Naruto held out his hand, a Rasengan forming in the palm of his hand, which he offered to Menma.

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