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"Aaaand...SHE LANDS IT. Panama's Catalina Benitez is going to the winter Olympics."

I screamed internally. I couldn't believe it. My coach Selena opened her arms for me as I skated off the ice right on to her. 

Her arms shielded each side of my head,  "we're going to Beijing!" 

All my hard work has finally paid off. Since I discovered what balance was I had roller skates. From rollerblades to ice skates. In Panama ice isn't really that popular, it could be non existent for the location isn't the coldest. My mom was a fast track skater for USA while my dad owned the half pipe event for USA as well. Though he was born in Panama.

I started skating in the United States and would travel to my birth country on vacation. Or whenever I had the time really. I always loved dancing and skating when I did, and that's when my mom told me about Figure skating. When I knew Figure skating was a part of me I started to prepare for the Olympics trials. Of course I didn't know it be super hard. I had to work my way up through region.

Selena Chekov saw me skate and offered to coach if I was ready to know of the discipline. It's because of her I'm a two time US national sub-champion, and ISU Grand Prix silver medalist. It's a lot of silver, I want once (just ONCE) to be a champion.
The Winter Olympics is like my crush now.

And not....him.

The audio around blurred when he brushed passed me. My neck craned over my shoulder to look at my hero as he looked back as well. Probably to see what he bumped. Though his mouth slightly went up in the tiniest smirk before looking back forward. "Lina," my coach pulled out of the way so other skaters could pass.

I had been clutching my chest. "Why didn't you say hi, he was right there."

"I'm too scared, the man looks like he'll bite." I told her stealing another glance at him before he entered the rink hand in hand with his partner.

Daishinkan Seong is the world famous men's figure skating champion from South Korea. I've watched him for years, his skills, his journey in the events. I can say he is who inspired me to per-sue figure skating. And I may have a gigantic crush on him. I mean it grew larger when he landed the first quadruple axel ever at Pyeong Chang 2018. We've been at the grand prix but I've never had the guts to say hi or ask for an autograph or photo.

I jumped in my seat after a napkin was tapped against my lips. My skating partner, Karson, giggled. "Just wiping the drool off, you know." He said with a deep voice and wiggling his eyebrows. I punch his shoulders to then completely squeeze him. "We're going to the Olympics, Karson!"

"I know! But um...." His face drooped. "You didn't make it in Biathlon?"

Karson ran his hand through his ridiculously blonde hair. I had forgotten Biathlon trials were yesterday. "I made it!"

We both screamed and jumped in our benches. "Panama in da Olympics." He punched the air, then we were both yanked down by Selena. "Although pretty ballsy to be in two events but hey I must be very good to qualify."

"Hell yeah." I replied.

In the end of the day, we were interviewed as the first team Panama in figure skating. Actually Panama's first Winter Olympic athletes. In Karson's case as a bonus it's Bithlon.


I followed Selena's cries for me to get lower. I did as she told me and bent my knees as in to bow,  "jump." My skates left the ice as I attempted a quadruple axel the same way Daishinkan did in his routine. When I knew I was at the third spin my heart dropped. I thought I did a fourth spin and landed straight but continued moving and it threw me off balance.  "Oh my god you were so close!"

"I'm this close to getting it right. Imagine if Shinkan himself taught me how to do it."

I stop talking after I saw Selena holding her phone horizontally.  "You recording?"

"For research purposes." She gushed, tinkering with her phone. Why is she smiling? Then she clapped her hands, "all right clean up, we gotta get you home." She says. 

Third POV

"Close, but not close enough."

Daishinkan threw his arm behind his head. Shifting his body to get comfortable on his hotel bed. He rewinded the video sent by coach Selena Chekov. He searched her and found out she's a highly decorated woman of her work.

He paused the video just after  Catalina's skates left the ice. There it is He thought. Her feet lifted at the same time, hence; the jump won't be good enough and the height will not be much. Daishinkan pulled up the emails exchanged between him and Selena. His lip tugged between his teeth. 

He began typing...

'I will gladly show her what it takes'

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