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It's ceremony day. Its so early it's still dark.

Coach Selena was just here handing me the official outfit for the athlete parade. A blue winter jacket with streaks of white, a plaid white beanie, solid red pants and high blue boots.

I almost shed a tear as my thumb brushed the Panamanian flag beautifully sewn on arm sleeve and back of the jacket. The Olympic rings on the breast.

I started to get dressed not wanting to waste a minute. My hair is better let down or the beanie wouldn't go. Sucks having thick hair. My hips swayed as I powered my face and finished applying light makeup. When I was done I stood in front of the mirror and shoved my hand in my pocket. Struck a pose then pulled out my phone to FaceTime my mom.

She screeched as I held the phone up high over myself. "Preciosa! Very pretty." Mom cheesed.

"I'm going to find Selena and Karson. I still haven't seen that idiot."

"They'll be out there for sure." She replied.

There was a knock on the door so I bid my mother farewell. It's like the 6th time I called her today. "Come in." I say.

Karson came in fully dressed as well. I opened my arms wide to him picking me up in his arms and spun me. I raised my eyebrow at his floral scent. I pulled away from him making him run his hand through his blonde locks.

"Why you smell like a girl?"

His cheeks flushed but he was dead serious looking. "Did you hook up with someone already?"

"Not all the way..."

"You horny Canook." I shoved him back shocked. "Who was it?"

Karson crossed his arms, "snowboarder." He whispered and I gasped, "it wasn't Chloe Kim?"

"No no, I wish. But no it was a girl from Ireland."

I laughed at myself. One thing I did forget about the Olympics, it is Sex in The City. Like Selena and Karson told me way before coming here that being in the Olympic Village was like the first days of college. Everyone hooks up almost immediately. To think that teenagers as young as 13 years old and adults as old 45 are around is insane.

Karson put on his beanie but backwards, "nene you got it wrong." My hands reach for his beanie and turn it so the rings are flag is facing forward. Tucked his little baby hairs in too. "There you go. Now lets take a picture on the bed." We fall onto my bed and scooch down so we don't cover the 'Beijing 2022' on the comforter. I told Karson to throw the picture since his arms are longer.

I cuddled to his side and smiled wide.

"That's going for the internet." I start typing a nice message and post it on my socials. "You better tag me." Karson says looking at what I'm doing.

We remain laying on the bed in silence. "I'm gonna miss you at night." He tells me and bounces his legs. Lift my upper body and hold myself up by my elbow, "you can always come by."

"I'm not staying in this village, I'm staying at Yanqing for the first week. Skiing and snowboarding take place there. You stay here where skating events are."

I sighed loudly. Not knowing what to say. "Don't worry I'll obviously be here for Pairs Skating. But after that I must leave for the hills."

"It's okay, I understand. I'll still watch you on my phone."

"Me too. We'll be able to hang out on our free days, or at least half of the day free—send me your schedule." He starts to fiddle with his phone, making my ding with a message from him.

I sent Karson my schedule then got up from the bed after Selena sent me a message to make our way down soon. My head falls to the side after Karson lowered his jacket's zipper and passed me a duffle bag overflowing with condoms.

The heat accumulated in my face physically hurt.


"Hey I just want you to be safe. I know that Korean coach of yours won't be able to resist you for too long."

I punch his thick fabric trying to calm the butterflies in my stomach. "I'm not you. I won't be fucking my fellow competitors nor coaches." I replied obviously still blushing and threw the duffel bag in the corner. But Karson just made it worse when he planted his arm on either side of me and against the wall.

"You know you dream of Daishinkan doing this...and this."

He mirrored my movements until he stared to make me look up at him. I despise that Karson knows my weaknesses. Its the worst con of being friends since childhood. "Stop. It." I said with my most demanding voice that only came out nervously. Though he backed away chuckling, "ok ok, we gotta go. Lets make history." His puts up his palms as in to give him a high five, so I did.

We met with Selena at the lobby and were escorted to a vehicle that would take us to the Beijing National Stadium. 

Everyone is here. I mean all athletes are here with their delegation. I only looked away for one second and Karson had strolled to team USA. I got nervous when he turned to point at me, making the ones he talked to look over. Thankfully they were all waving at me when they spotted me. So I waved back. They're such a huge team, missing one teammate.

"You okay?" Karson broke my trance by waving his palm.  "I'm sorry I teared you away from your team." 

"You didn't tear me away, I chose to do this. When we're done with the parade, some of the athletes want to meet you." He told me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. 

I could see the monitors all around us, the ceremony had started and all eyes were glued to the laser show. Green glow sticks that signified the coming of spring. Then a neat show of the pictograms of the events. I couldn't stop smiling. 

Selena and Karson's Biathlon coach, Joseph, waited for us next to a Chinese representative. She held a beautiful glowing snowflake with the name of my country on it.  "You two are the flag bearers." Selena handed us the Panamanian flag, which Karson and I clutch for dear life.  "The committee allowed it?"

"You're the only two notable athletes."

I could see Karson looking at me from the corner of my eye.  "We're up next." Joseph said.

My skating partner and I stood at the end of the tunnel with both our coaches right behind us. We start walking after the representative did. As soon as we were exposed, a loud voice boomed. 

Third POV


Presenters exclaimed, then again in Mandarin.

Television cameras zoomed in to the athletes eagerly smiling and looking around.

"For the first time in Winter Olympic history, team Panama marches. Flag bearers, figure skater Catalina Benitez, and Biathlon and figure skating champion Karson Betancourt. Who previously won gold at the Tokyo Olympics in Archery for team USA."

"Wow," Catalina say as her eyes wander all over. Oblivious of the viewers cheering from her home country.

After all the years of watching the games on TV rooting for her best friend from home. She was finally walking the stadium. All her dreams are coming true back-to-back.

The wave of lights, the performers surrounding our path and her own pride swallowing her whole. The roar of the audience specifically. Karson waved at the cameras with his free hand.

They had to admit China always delivered the greatest opening ceremonies.

"Beijing 2022 serves as Catalina's first Olympics. She plans to bring Panama the gold medal in figure skating. All we'll say is best of luck, my dear."

Karson and Catalina continued marching to the other end of the stadium. Making their way back inside a tunnel and immediately hugged. "That was so fun!" She yelled against Karson's shoulder.

The next thing they knew, they watched silently as the cauldron was lit on sire. Signifying the beginning of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.

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