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The sound of a robotic woman's voice kept saying 'wake up.'

On my stomach, my head tilted to where the nightstand is. On top of it a blue ring light up and again the voice urged me to wake up.

It's an Amazon Alexa.

Screw you, Shinkan.

I grabbed my phone to check the time. Its a minute to 6 in the morning.

It took me at least 20 minutes to get ready for the day. Which I know now will be HELL. I made sure my ponytail was tight enough before I walked out the bathroom. What really made me chuckle is 'BTS's Dynamite' softly played on speaker. I made a straight line toward the island stool. Then judge-fully eyed Daishinkan as he blended fruits with ice. He sung the lyrics very softly.

"Good morning, Lina." He says realizing I'm here. "Morning, Shinkan sama."

"Just for that, drills are going to suck for you today."

He poured a smoothie in a tall glass and slid it to me. It tasted incredible. "BTS, seriously? So Korean of you." I chuckled only to receive a quick side eye. "Got a problem with BTS?" Daishinkan asked starting to blend his smoothie.

I shrug, "oh nothing just the fact that they all look exactly the same. You look like you could be a replacement if one of them was killed." His dark eyes land on me and they linger, he held a small grin.

I reached for the cereal box but Daishinkan snatched it away and scoffed. "No sugars before training, only simple sugars for you." He scans his phone, "according to coach Selena, You're hypoglycemic?"

My eyes told him everything. I knew Selena would tell him that I had low blood sugar. Cause I sure hell wasn't going to. "You need to tell me everything, Lina. I need to know your weaknesses, I won't bite."

"Sometimes I think you will, not gonna lie to you."

Putting his elbows on top the counter his face leaned, "only when you mess up. But right now I won't." Thank god he didn't go dirty on that comment. I found that very refreshing. "You take medication for it?"

I nodded my head, "they're glucose tablets. They're not a threat to the anti doping agency, I think."

"It's glucose, it shouldn't."

A bit later, we walked to the backyard and there was this little hot spring complete with a waterfall. "Are we going to ice rink soon?" I asked him. He stands in front of me shooting a toothy smile.  "Progress in exercise first, then the we'll get to the fun part. For now I want to test your flexibility, so splits." He snaps his fingers right in front of my face.

I lower myself and do my best split. Daishinkan walks around me until I can't see him behind me. He put his foot on my lower back and pressed me down. The sound that came out of my mouth resemble of a dog that got it's tail stepped on accident. 

"If it hurts it's working." 

"Yeah it hurts!" I chirped out though he didn't take his foot off for at least 20 seconds.  

For next half hour I did all kinds of stretches. Some were familiar and others weren't. 

I hooked my foot as high as I could against the wall. Then switched to my right foot. Finally I grabbed a bottle of water and chugged it to last drop.  "Ah that was a bad idea, Catalina." Daishinkan comes out of the house with a pair of roller blades.  "You will roller blade around the block and attempt the steps I tell you." I groaned thinking of the belly pain I'll have for that drink of water.

I glided down his driveway and on to the street. Until Daishinkan jogged toward me with a helmet.  "The last thing I want is you getting hurt." He placed the helmet on my head and secured it under my chin. I couldn't take my eyes off his. I didn't want to glance at his reddish lips but I did. 

He said something in Korean as he double checked my elbows pads.  "Hmm?"

"What? Sorry, sorry, I said be careful around cars." 

He slightly blushed then gave me a little pat on the arm as a go. I took off on the sidewalk first, looking back to check oncoming vehicles. After one passed, I hopped on to the smooth street. The street was becoming a little steep so I hunched to keep a good balance.


I waved at couple of bystanders as I speed pass them. I made it around the block and returned to Daishinkan's driveway. "Good, now to a double spin." He commanded. I leveled my hands beside and begin to a small spin, twice. Instantly I was diving for the ground until an arm wrapped around mid section. "Wait, how?" I was stunned.

Daishinkan helped me to get back to posture up. "You tilted sideways before you started spinning. Keep both both feet on the ground until your body moves them with you." He said insightfully and planting his own feet to show me. I nodded. "Try again."

The next day, it was the same thing. Stretches, roller blading skills, and more stretches. I fell repeatedly on my butt, my side and flat on my back. It got easier when Daishinkan joined me in exercise. He roller bladed with me, did the stunts I did, only he nailed them. I would tumble. My god when we jogged I'd steal glances at him. When I say this man is artful masterpiece of a human. Even when he sweats he's gorgeous. It literally gave him an extra glow.


I moaned loudly as I sank back into the sofa. Everything is sore. I picked up my phone and hit FaceTime. 

"Hey cutie!" Karson joyfully exclaimed. My exhausted smile took over and he frowned.  "Soo how is it meeting your hero?" I sigh looking up at the ceiling. 

"He's an asshole at times, like he don't joke when it comes to training."

"But? Give me details."

Inhaling sharply, I let out a booming squeal. Karson is physically taken aback by the reaction.  "Oh Karson, if I had a crush before—triple it. Shinkan is so good, like genuinely a nice person. I can't handle it." I pat my chest to where my heart is. 

Karson laughed at my giddy image.  "Where is he now, I want to meet him." He said. 

"He's practicing his Pair routine."

"Ah so you're all alone in the house."

"Eating the junk he hides from me in the morning. Seiko doesn't approve of Shinkan coaching me, you know. Takes up his time and blah-blah.."

I walked to the kitchen and serve myself a bowl of delicious sugary cereal.  "Tomorrow Shinkan finally lets me get on the ice. We need to start rehearsing my short and long program."

"That's exciting! I can't wait to see it."

"I cant wait to get on the ice with you. It'll be so fun." I cheesed at Karson's cheekiness through the screen. I could tell the family is around him.

We continued to talk for about a couple hours. And I was already falling asleep, and I did pass out on the sofa. Heard the call end shortly after. It was very late in the States, I keep forgetting the time zones.


My shoulder twitched after a hand pressed down on it. My deep sleep blurry view was blessed with Daishinkan's face inches from mine. He was crouched next to the sofa. 

"You almost fell off, let's go to bed."

Let's?????? I hope I heard him correctly. 

"Oh I'm sorry—did you just get here?" He smelled like soap so I assume he's been here for a bit. And the music playing in the background as white noise.  "No I got here a while ago but you were really dead asleep. I was going to leave you in peace but you were tossing and turning." He whispered softly and lifted my hand. 

I smiled sluggishly, trying to open my eyes more but I am too tired.  "I'll go to bed now, good night, Shinkan." I dragged myself down the hall knowing he's still there. Almost confused. 

"Good night." I heard him say.

Okay, Shinkanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن