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Selena almost blew my ear off as she finished placing the final pin on my hair. "Not a strand out of place." She added.

"Lets get it, let's go."

Karson and I arrived at the Capital Indoor Stadium for our first Pairs Skating.

Madonna's Material Girl blasted in my air-pods as we followed Selena through the locker room entrance. There, a lot of skaters were stretching while other were simply relaxing. Monitors around us showed the Men's short Program going on at the moment. Daishinkan is supposed to be here, maybe he already did his routine.

We haven't talked since we got separated at the Village the of our arrival. Which is understandable, the delegation of Korea practically needed him.

I dropped my backpack on my spot then again followed Selena back out to the bleachers. To a designated area for the skaters to stay and wait. "Alright you two, there's one more skater going out there. Then its Pairs warm ups." Selena said while looking at her phone.

"Vale." I looked out to the empty ice rink. "Be right back." I nodded at her dismissal, now hearing the name of the last skater for the men's short program.

"Representing South Korea, Daishinkan Seong."

My eyes darted back to the ice as he goes out to the middle of the rink.  The song 'The Blue Danube' specifically from Squid Game. I recognized it almost instantly, I'm only two episodes in.

I quickly shook Karson's arm that he is using to hold his phone.  "Watch it." But he brushed my arm off,  "why? You watch him. Your coach, your boyfriend." His voice was a tease and I despised it.

However my attention went back to the ice after a hiss of the skates brought me to it. Daishinkan had just slayed a salchow jump. Through my peripheral I could see Karson had paid attention to it too. As the music picked up, so did Shinkan with his skills.

Both our jaws dropped at the level of difficulty his steps have. The announcers were going insane, and they way on the other side of the rink. When it ended, Daishinkan bowed then skated off. Karson and I were still stunned out of our minds.

Our eyes followed Daishinkan and his new drop dead beautiful female coach made their way to the Kiss and Cry area. Awaiting for his mark, the amazing score of 114.13 appeared on the monitors. 

"Yo, what?? He may as well step on the podium now. Its higher than Yuzuru's score already." 

"You do realize we are competing against him and Hana in Pairs skating." I told Karson and he very distinctively chuckled painfully.  "We're dead meat. If he's good solo then imagine in Pairs." I shove him to the side,  "shut up we'll be fine."

I watched them go away and just slumped back on my bench. About an hour passed until we were cleared to enter the ice to warm up.  "You guys are up first so go warm up." Selena gives us a gentle shove to the rink.

My hand joins Karson's warm comforting one as we skated around. I looked at that blonde bang that fell over his left eye. Well at least he's calm.  "You're trembling, Lina."  He whispers as we grind to a halt.  "Don't remind me please." I told him.

I didn't want to start shaking too bad. And Karson as good as he is, his arms rubbed my arms.  "Okay lets practice." I said. As we rehearsed small jumps which came out great, we saw two figures swiftly glide toward us. Literally two anime characters.

It is Daishinkan and Hana. They are dressed so nice and they match so good. The glitter of his outfit shun just as his eyes did.  "Hi, Catalina. You look pretty." He says to me while his fists were closed around Hana's forearms.

"Doesn't she," Karson says to which Shinkan replied jokingly,  "you look pretty too."

Karson pretended to brush a strand of hair behind his ear, smiling cheekily. It made Hana smile.  "I missed you yesterday where were you?" I asked Daishinkan and he replied quickly,  "sorry Lina I had to practice one more time." 

I nodded then a voice announced that warm ups were over. A violent shiver went up my spine that even he noticed and cupped my hands in his.  "We're going first." I said, feeling my breathing quicken. Daishinkan says softly,  "deep breaths. You can do this, you're going to make history right?"

My chin moved up and down.  "Godspeed." He said then we all moved out of the rink. 

Selena gave me a piece of gum for me to chew quick.  "Catalina, its time to shine. Show these people why you made it to the Olympic. Both of you." She says as we huddled by the rink's entrance.  "We're gonna win this thing." Karson pats my back and I nod,  "yes we are."

We stood by, waiting to called in. 

"First of Pairs short program. From Panama, Catalina Benitez, and Karson Betancourt."

We skated to center ice with our arms wide open as a greet.

Once the song 'Waiting For Love' began, our hands joined together in a smooth twirl. Then began to glide around. The anxiety and fear eating me alive had left like a flip switch.

Smoothly my body was easily lifted by Karson in a second I was tossed into the air. Rotating and landed perfect unassisted. The crowd applauded as we continued our routine for the next 2 minutes and 40 seconds. We tumbled a bit while camel spinning side by side but brushed it off quick.

Karson and I placed our foreheads together as we ended the routine. We immediately looked at Selena who joyfully applauded.

She grabbed is like a proud mama then all of us waited at the Kiss and Cry.

Short program
Score: 86.12

"Yes!" Karson and I boomed in unison. Selena gave us yet another hug right in front of everyone.

Not bad at all for our first performance. Couldn't be prouder. My mother texted me in the group chat sending us hearts. At this moment I had completely forgotten this was live all over the world.

We could have left right after our mark was made but I decided to stay to watch Daishinkan and Hana. Boy was their routine flawless. Hana touched down the ice while landing though it wasn't a big deal.

We scored higher than them and that was a win for me.

Back in my room, Karson passed me a bottle of red wine. After the first few sips and passing it around we were plastered. Even though we were both lying in my bed it felt as we were spinning. The ceiling is spinning too.

I dropped my hand on Karson's thigh, "stop bouncing your leg. It feels like an earthquake."

He stopped and just shot out his arm up to the ceiling. "Where do you get this wine again?" I asked, gripping on to his track suit after feeling like I levitated. "The shops downstairs." He slurred back. Playing around with the now empty bottle of wine. Karson drank most of it and yet I feel like I did drink it all.

I heard a hard bang before Karson covered his face. The bottle had fallen on him. "You dumb ass." I start cackling uncontrollably at his pain. Yet he's laughing too.

My door began to bang, and like two zombies in unison we sit up. "Shit, its the fuzz." Karson blabs out. "This ain't college, F-Bomb. We wont get raided."

"Security occasionally sweeps the rooms."

I panicked and went into a frenzy. "No no no." I picked up my luggage to arrange them.

A thought cane into my head, I feel like a jackass. I don't have illegal things one me, but I do have Karson here drunk out of his mind.

That is forbidden.

I stumbled to my door and put on my most sober face. I open my door, scared security would come in. But the person in front of me was none other than Daishinkan himself.

Okay, ShinkanWhere stories live. Discover now