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"There's a lot of people here."

Daishinkan turned his head outside the window where a mob stood waiting outside the building.  "Security won't let them in." He said returning to focus on his laptop.

I sat beside him to see that he is setting up the schedule and required steps in my routine. My new coach leaned back, facing me. "I've seen your performance on the ISU and Nationals. Your song choices are not bad, though we have to switch it up a bit. What are you thinking?"

"I've already chosen the songs for both programs. Have you seen the film Ponyo?"

"Yes," Daishinkan replied, intrigued. "Drum roll please." He did a drum roll for a couple seconds and, "Mother of the Sea."

He rubbed his chin, "hm that's actually a good choice. Not too active, it'll be enough." His fingers moved fast on the keyboard and without looking at me he asked me for the song for the long program. I thought very hard about this one.

The long program (also called the free skate) is designed to display skill and grace as well as jumping ability. So I must make sure it fits the occasion. "History Maker, by Dean Fujioka." I told him flashing my teeth. Daishinkan didn't recognize this so he looked it up and listened to the first minute and a half of it.

"I like it." He exclaimed and typed it down. "I do like your taste in music. Nobody knows this but you're the reason I listen to Shakira and other hispanic artists. You made them pop in your routines." He added. "Well that touched me for sure." I chuckled, hiding the blush of my cheeks. Daishinkan the figure skating champion actually saw my progress and approved.

I secured my skates, stood up and lowered my sleeves passed the elbow. I glided into the ice rink and made a couple sharp circles before turning toward Daishinkan who just got in the rink. "Mind you that for the long program, I want the quadruple axel to be my closing jump." I told him as he skated around me with his hands behind his back. 

"We can make that work. Now watch closely, I'm gonna attempt to do it. And then I'll show you what went wrong with yours, ok?"

"Okay, Shinkan." I agreed.

I watch him skate around graciously, noticing how his hair is fluffy and flying around. Usually always it is styled for a routine. He bent his knees nearly touching the ice before jumping. The loose t-shirt rose over his abdomen and flashed his tone muscles. Immediately he began to spin, once, then twice, a third and just before landing he did a fourth turn.

Landing on one leg while the other followed the momentum of the turn, beautifully ending the spin.  "Would you like binoculars?"

"Would I!..." I wasn't paying attention to who made the comment. A man looked to be in his 40s laughed at my reply. I flushed,  "wait no." I crossed my arms.

Daishinkan came over already speaking Korean to the man who replied with the same speed. I awkwardly stood there until my Shinkan sighed.  "Catalina, this is my coach, Seiko. He'll be watching for a bit."

I shrugged and he guided me away from Seiko pulling out his phone. I watched the video of me at the trials attempting the quadruple axel. Daishinkan paused it right before I took off the ice.  "You see how both your feet are still together?"

"Yes," I replied.  "That gave no hight in your jump, which ultimately caused you to get as much as three turns. A triple axel, also a very difficult jump." He explains then pulled up a video of him at the 2018 Winter Olympics. I watched how he used one leg to jump while the other one was already in the air following his momentum.

"I want to try it."

The skates grind on the ice hard as I turned. Little ice crystals flew below me. I had my arms stretched out as I glided around the rink. "Slow down." Daishinkan yells out while Seiko silently watches.

I slowed down the pace then went for the jump. Got as far as two spins and went straight to the car ice. "Are you okay?"

"Fine." I stood up and tried again all while listening to Shinkan's nudges. Tried again and ended splayed on the ice. Then Once more and landed on all fours, my breathing shallow. Daishinkan skated over and dropped to his knees and I felt his hand on my back. "Lina, are you nervous?" He asked obviously concerned of the many times I've messed up.

I glared at Seiko over by the bleachers as he giggles hard to himself. It pissed me off so much. Daishinkan looked over to him then sighed, helping me get up. "That's enough of the quadruple for now. Let's focus on your free skate routine." Humiliated, I nodded at him.

Then he skated toward the bleachers to talk to Seiko and a minute later the guy walked out.

"Did Seiko say anything to you?"

Only if I wanted binoculars so I could look at you better


He sighed and eventually began to create my short program routine. It became a montage of the snaps of Daishinkan's fingers as I did my best.

Day and night I'd come to the ice already knowing my routine. But to practice the quadruple axel. We'd stay up watching legendary performances from past championships and find some sort of inspiration with it.

"Pick up your foot as you're turning to skate. Like this."

Daishinkan did a sit spin as fast as he could, simultaneously getting up to skate smoothly. All while his left foot hovered over the ice. "The idea is earn more points for difficulty, all right. As long as you complete the spins it won't matter if you fall. But if you do..."

"Use my hands."

"Use your hands, not your rear or its more points deducted."

I clap my hands together and skate around before doing my first starting pose. One more time I performed my short program beautifully. Did all my required steps and jumps and finished with a camel spin. My arms gracefully in the air. "Perfect!" Daishinkan applauded as I got off the ice.

"You're going to do great." He held my hands as I walked to the bench. "I'm sure I'll do great, but what about the free skate?" I took off my skates and put them aside and he did the same with his own skates. "You've had enough practice. We can try again tomorrow before we take the time we have left to relax." He reminded me.

It's already been two weeks and I've got to say they've flown fast. "Let's go have fun, I want to take you to my favorite place."

"It's not the gym is it?"

"It's called Dongdaemun. Best shopping location." He smiled, and just by that I was sold.

As we weaved through traffic the radio was randomly playing BTS. It made Daishinkan belly laugh and turn the volume up. I get that BTS is highly popular boy band and it's only dumb luck I happen to be in South Korea listening to a South Korean band.

Eventually we arrived at Dongdaemun which is a giant landmark. A within it and around is one of South Korea's largest wholesale and retail shopping districts. It has around 26 shopping malls, thousands specialty shops, and manufacturers. Items range from textiles, clothes, shoes, and jewelry, to leather goods, toys, electronics, and office supplies.

What really attracted me was the foodies with Mukja Golmok, an alley dedicated to Korean street food and snacks. The shopping district are busy well into the night, with festivities, fashion shows, music and dance performances taking place after the sun sets in Seoul. 

"Where to first?" I asked Daishinkan and he pointed to a huge toy store. 

He's read my mind.

Okay, ShinkanWhere stories live. Discover now