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I can't believe I slept in my best friend's arms. When we were children sure we'd do it a lot when we slept at each other's homes. But as adults? Never. I can't complain too much though. Karson never left me alone when I were at my lowest, and I never left him.

He never moved a muscle for the entire time we hugged. I woke up in the early morning and his arms were still tightly wrapped around me. Karson was still in his winter coat last time my eyes were open.

"Wake up," A whisper tickled my ear. 

My best friend stood beside the bed with a orange juice jug. I took it from him and slurped every drop of the juice.  "Thanks, Karson." 

"Yours was over there, damn."

"You can have it, my treat." I smiled at his annoyance but he still grabbed my juice and began drinking it. At least he changed his clothes and freshened up.  "Did you just get here?" I asked. 

Karson nodded and sat at the edge of my bed looking at the TV at the women's Ski jumping final.  "As soon as I was finished with my event I came back. I advanced to the 15km mass start."

"That's so Awesome, Karsy!"

"I can't wait to see you crush your free skate."

I got goosebumps at the thought of the ice. My phone began to ring, and Karson was ready to answer it but I made him sot back down. Whoever it is they can wait.

As we watched the ski jumping event, I got dressed in a t shirt that had the Olympic rings at the breast. And some shorts. I scooch next to Karson in bed as he's texting intently. I laid back and closed my eyes. Thought I fell asleep until...

"It's Seong," Karson says.

My eyes flutter open immediately. "What?"

Then I heard the NBC lady, Kate, mention Daishinkan's name. My ass sat up to watch so fast it startled Karson. It's an interview. In the same place I was a few days ago.

Daishinkan sat in front of Kate, nearly grinning and yet serious. Listening to her talk while also explaining how difficult it was to take on a coach's role and also participate in the games. "Is this live?" I asked Karson.

He shrugged in response.

"Now, you two have been the talk of the Olympics. But the last time you were on scene together there was quite a bit of tension."

The screen cuts into my short program routine, when I over-rotated and fell. The camera zoomed in on Daishinkan slapping his palm onto his face. I felt the disappointment through the TV.

When it cut back but to the studio, Daishinkan kept a neutral expression. "Were you upset when that happened?"

"In that moment I was furious, because prior to her going out our passions got the best of us and there were some misunderstandings." As he talk he used his hands to gesture.

It had me in a trance. "Looking back to it, it was my fault for handling the situation poorly."

"And after games are over, do you plan to continue coaching Catalina?"

"After she takes home the gold it'll be up to her."

Karson smiled widely at me after hearing that.

Everyone smiled after Daishinkan said that. "So you're going through with her, podium or no podium?"

There was silence, suspense, and heavy breathing in this atmosphere. "A hundred percent. That girl will be a history maker."

The screen cuts to the news anchors talking about the entire interview. That means it wasn't live. Just the highlights of the interview.

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