Sunday Night

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The matte black blades spun overhead,
beneath their painted-white wooden porch boards,
chasing the humid heat of the day away from the night.

Not a star twinkled in the overcast, white-blue, midnight sky.

A lone dog-walker flip-flopped by, trudging exhaustedly down the street. His little shih tzu's stained underbelly following close at his heals, all four feet racing to keep up with his master's two long legs.

Bedtime was calling them home now that the dog's nightly business was deposited in the plastic, dollar store bag tied tightly around the weary man's wrinkled wrist.

She dreaded going inside.

Bed meant getting one step closer to Monday morning...

and another work week.


Her American flag-donned, plastic glass, filled to the brim with liquid distraction,
and her iHeart radio playing country music on her Android black cell phone,
sounded so much better to her avoiding mindset.

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