Will They Like It?

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"Will They Like It?" written by A. E. F.
Copyright 2019. All rights reserved.

I hesitated over the "publish" button with my mouse cursor. Removing my hand, I brought my fingers to my mouth to bite my nail. Swearing under my breath, I stood up and paced in my kitchen. Distracting myself from the inevitable, I poured myself a glass of milk.

Milk's supposed to be calming, right?

Shoot, but mine is cold, not warm. Does it still work then?

Dumping half a glass of undrunk milk into the sink with impatience (and an apology to the milk gods for wasting it), I stomp back to my laptop and pound on my mouse with finality.

It was done.


Crap. Crap. Crap.

I hope they like it.

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