American Ice Cream

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An Amish horse and buggy tied to a post,
was lined up next to a navy blue Chevy pick-up truck.

A mennonite woman, wearing a home-made, white-lace bonnet, scooped creamy vanilla bean ice cream for her smiling Catholic customer,
who salivated at the sound of the blender's mixing blades,
decadent chocolate syrup whipping through the creamy concoction.

children ran underfoot,
dancing with sugar-induced glee,
chasing fireflies,
or lightening bugs,
depending on where you hailed from.

A little girl with a pigtail of goldspun curls bounced in her seat,
waiting to ride the nearby, but currently occupied, hammock swing.
It hung from an overhead wooden rafter on a thick, silver-plated chain.

Crickets were starting to chirp in the breezy summer twilight,
hiding in the cow-filled pastures nearby,
confident in their safety and anonymity.

My daughter licked her mint chocolate chip ice cream cone,

and I smiled with love.

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