Chapter five: The Flea and the Acrobat

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Y/n's POV

We all got back to Mike's house we laid El on the couch and Mike sat at her feet.

Lucas was sitting on a chair across from them and Me and Dusin sat on the stairs.

"What was Will saying?" Mike asked, more to himself then the others.

"Like home... Like home... but dark" He answered himself as he got up.

"And empty." Lucas added.

Dustin sighed. "Empty and cold. Wait, did he say cold?" He looked at me for reassurance.

I looked at him and nodded. "He did."

"I don't know. The stupid radio kept going in and out" Lucas said in a stressed tone.

"It's like riddles in the dark."

"Like home. Like his house?"

"Or maybe like Hawkins."

"Upside down." Eleven finally spoke.

Lucas looked back at me and Dustin with a mocking smile. "What'd she say?"

"Upside down." I answered in a monotone voice.

"What?" He repeated, not expecting me to answer at all.

"Upside down." Mike repeated, probably figuring out what me and El were trying to tell them this whole time.

He walked over to the D&D board and flipped it to the playing side. "When El showed us where Will was she flipped the board over, remember?"

"Nice job Captain Obvious." I remarked with a smile while sitting at the table with everyone but El.

They all just ignored my comment.

"Upside down. Dark. Empty." I knew Mike probably kinda understood.

"Do you understand what he's talking about?" Lucas said in his normal cocky tone.


"Guys, come on, think about it. When El took us to Will, she took us to his house, right?"

"Yeah. And he wasn't there."

"But what if he was there? What if we just couldn't see him? What if he was on the other side? What if this is Hawkins..."He flipped the board to the back side. "And this is where Will is? The Upside down." I looked at Mike, my smile only growing bigger.

"Like the Vale of Shadows." Dustin said, dumbing it down for Lucas with D&D terms.

I snapped and pointed to Dustin. "Exactly." The boys all looked at me, not expecting for me to understand.

My smile growing just a little more at their faces."What did you expect me to do while you were at school?"

Lucas rolled his eyes, Mike's eyebrows raised, and Dustin smiled at the fact that they might have had a new D&D member.

Dustin grabbed the D&D hand book and flipped to the page of the Vale of Shadows. "The Vale of Shadows is a dimension that is a dark reflection or echo of out world."

We all looked up at one another with worry spread across our faces as Dustin contiuned reading.

"It is a place of decay and death. A plane out of phase. A place of monsters. It is right next to you and you and you don't even see it. An alternate dimension."

"but... how... how do we get there?"

"You cast Shadow Walk."

"In real life dummy."

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