Chapter 1: Introduction

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So you've probably at least heard of me. I work for Mr. Wiesel and Mr. Pulitzer for a living. Mr. Wiesel takes great care of my brother and I. He's like a father to us. Mr. Pulitzer pays amazingly as long as we all do what he tells us to. I live in a huge penthouse with Mr. Wiesel. Mr. Pulitzer lives across the street from us also in a huge penthouse! We're extremely rich. Not only Mr. Wiesel, but me also. I can buy things I want or need that Mr. Wiesel won't buy. My main job is to sell newspapers to the newsboys every morning and then beat up kids at The Refuge every afternoon, weekends off. I'm known to the newsboys, kids at the refuge, and other street rats as a scary bully who doesn't have a lot of patience and will beat up almost anyone. Which is one hundred percent true. There is one person in the entire world who I'd never beat up. I've known him since birth. He's the one person I can fully trust. The one person who'd never leave me or betray me for any reason. We both feel like that about each other. We love each other more than anyone or thing in the entire world. No, not because we're gay. We're close but not that way. The only man that I love is my brother. The guy I'm talking about isn't cause we're dating. I'm not talking about romantic love here. Nor platonic love. Brotherly love. The guy I'm talking about is named Morris Delancey. Morris Delancey is my older brother by a year. I've known Morris literally since the day I was born. Since I was born we've never spent a day apart. No matter what happens to us we know we'll be ok because if nothing else we have each other and that's enough. My name is Oscar Delancey.

I'm doing author notes in bold! Hello fansies! It's your author here! Idk what to call myself here. I have too many platforms with too many different names. I went by Race for a year but then I played Oscar ad went by that for 2 months but got weird since I'm female. I guess I'll go by Zoe here? That names not in this fandom, but it is in DEH ugh. Ok so this is gonna take forever for me to figure out a name for u guys to call me. For now I  go by Authoress. So I really hope your enjoying this. I'm kinda known by my creative writing teacher for either super long stories or super short stories. No in between. Mostly to her I wrote long. On here I'll try to keep the word count between 500-1000 word per chapter not including an. This chapter is around 300 words ot including An. I'll try to post weekly. School starts back in a week so I'll be short on time + I run XC and ik my English teacher just can't wait to assign her classes piles of worksheets, essays, short stories, and journal writings. I know this because I had her for English last year. I will most likely post on Saturdays or Sundays. Like it's Tuesday rn but ima wait til Saturday to post so hopefully I can get  3 or 4 possibly even 5 chapters done and have at least 2 backup if I get behind on writing. It's 1 am. Yes, ik I need sleep, but my creative writing juices are flowing and I'm not tired so Ima continue writing while my juices are flowing. I started at 11:30, then took a 30 min break texting my friend and now im back to writing. My ans probably won't all be this long. I wish bc I like talking to my readers through these but at the same time it distracts y'all from the story. So comment anywhere here if u want ans and if u do comment if u want them long like this one or WAAAYYY shorter or just none at all. Alright I think that's I have to say for now. I really hope you enjoyed this chapter! See u next chapter!

- Authoress out!

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