Chapter 6: The Hospital

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Morris woke up first. When he opened his eyes, he had to immediately shut them again because of how bright it was. It must be morning, thought Morris. He opened his eyes again. It was the day. In the early light just after sunrise, I was peaking through the window. Window? Morris looks around the room. He was laying in a very comfy bed with white everything. His brother lay on an identical one across the room. They were both hooked up to IVs and different medical machines. His body was wrapped in bandages and gauze and it didn't even hurt. he felt good for the first time since his friends had left him. There was a lady with auburn hair sitting in a chair against the wall.

"Well good morning sleepy head!"

"Where am I? Who are you? What happened?"

"You're in the hospital. I am Hannah, Mr. Pulitzer's secretary. He found you and your brother passed out under a tree half dead. He brought you here."

"Is he here now?"

"No, he's working. He'll be back later."

"How long have we been out?"

"Forty-eight hours."

"Has our father come looking for us?"

"Yes, he reported two missing children to the police, Mr. Pulitzer brought him here. He tried to kidnap you two and break you out of here, but that's a crime, so he's locked up now."

"Thank goodness!"

"Did he do this to you?"

"Yeah, him, kids at school, and my teacher. Speaking of, once we're better where will we go?"

"You will be staying with Mr. Wiesel and I'll be your tutor."



"Oh. Wiesel?"


"Who's he?"

"He's going to stop by later. He's working right now."

"If you're Mr. Pulitzer's secretary, then why aren't you with him working right now?"

"My job is to do what he tells me and make his job easier."

"So slavery?"

"No, because I chose this position and I get paid for it and am happy with it."

"So you're job right now is to watch us?"


A nurse walked in.

"Oh, you're up!"

"How do you feel?"

"Good for the first time in years."

"Anything hurt?"

"Can't feel a thing."

"It's the numbing meds. I'm going to check your vitals. Do you want something to eat?"

"Yes please, but I don't what since I haven't eaten in years!"

The nurse looked concerned but said, "I'll get you something good," before leaving the room.

A few minutes later, Oscar stirred.

"Oscar! Don't freak out. We're in a hospital. This is Hannah. She's going to watch us. She's Mr. Pulitzer's secretary. Mr. Pulitzer found us passed out under a tree and brought us here. As soon as we get better she's going to tutor us and we'll live with Mr. Wiesel. He and Mr. Pulitzer will stop by later. Father's in jail!"

"Woah, Morris, slow down. So we're in the hospital. Mr. Pulitzer brought us here and she's his secretary who's taking care of us and will tutor us once we're better. We're living with Mr. Wiesel who we'll meet later and father's in jail?" He said the last three words very slowly confused.



The nurse walked in with Morris' food.

"Can I get some of that?"

"Good morning sleepy head. How are you feeling?"

"Good for the first time in a while. Nothing hurts. Also, can I get that food Morris got?"

"Of course! I'm just going to check your vitals first."

The nurse had brought Morris eggs, bacon, and cheese grits. It was delicious! The first meal he'd had in a while, so it felt so weird but good to eat!

It was three months before the brothers could leave the hospital. They had multiple surgeries, stitches, and several blood transfusions. They recovered quicker than anyone would've expected. Hannah was an amazing person, and so were Mr. Pulitzer and Mr. Wiesel.

Once Morris and I were out of the hospital, we went to live with Mr. Wiesel, he soon became a father figure for Morris and me. While we'd never forget our amazing birth mother, Hannah kind of became a mother figure in our lives. Mr. Pulitzer was also a very kind man, but he mostly worked. That didn't matter though because he literally saved me and Morris's lives and we'd always be thankful for him taking us to the hospital, Mr. Wiesel taking us in, and Mrs. Hannah for taking care of us. We'd be dead without these people. We had also managed to make some friends around our age, Katherine, Mr. Pulitzer's beautiful daughter, Darcy, whose father owned The Trib, and Bill, who was the son of William Randolph Hearst. They were nice and fun to be around. With time we were able to tell them about our traumatizing past.

Hello, fansies! This chapter is about 800 words. Finally, something good happened in Delancey's life. Soon we'll be transitioning to where the music starts. I can't wait to write it from Delancey's POV! It's what I've been waiting for. Do you want love interests for Oscar and Morris in some of the later chapters? Please comment! Written 8/5/2022.

- Marla out!

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