Chapter 10: Strike!

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"Jack, check this out."

JACK: What're you all standin' around for?

CRUTCHIE: Get a load of this, Jack.

ROMEO: Like Pulitzer doesn't make enough already?

WIESEL: Papes for the Newsies.

JACK: Relax. It's gotta be a gag.

WIESEL: Line up, boys.

JACK: Good joke, Weasel. Got the fellas goin'. I'll take a hundred and be on my way.

Is Wiesel joking with the Newsies? Unheard of, Morris thought.

WIESEL: A hundred cost ya sixty

.JACK: I ain't payin' no sixty—

WIESEL: Then make way for someone who will.

JACK: You bet! I and the fellas will take a hike over to The Journal.


SPECS: I'll save you the walk. They upped their price too.


JACK: Then we'll take our business to the Sun!

The Sun. where Katherine works. So they like each other, thought Morris.

WIESEL: It's the same price all around town. New day. New price.

JACK: Why the jack-up?

WIESEL: For them kinda answers you gotta ask a little further up the food chain. So, you buyin' or movin' on?

JACK: C'mere fellas.

FINCH: They can't just do that, can they?

RACE: Why not? It's their paper.

CRUTCHIE: It's their world.

HENRY: Ain't we got no rights?

CRUTCHIE: We got the right to starve. C'mon, let's get our papers and hit the streets while we still can.

Poor Crutchie. Morris knew what it was like to starve. He did it for a year. He didn't want poor, innocent, sweet Crutchie to have to go through that too.

HENRY: At the prices?

CRUTCHIE: We got a choice?

PICKLES: If it's the same everywhere, then I don't see another option.

JACK: Hold on. Nobody's payin' no new nothin'.

TOMMY BOY: You got an idea?

JACK: Keep your shirt on. Lemme think this through.

LES: Stop crowdin' him. Let the man work it out. Hey Jack, you still thinkin'?

RACE: Sure he is. Can't you smell smoke?

DUCKY: I don't get it.

JACK: All right, here's the deal: if we don't sell papers, then no one sells papers. Nobody gets to that window till they put the price back where it belongs.

DAVEY: You mean like a strike?

JACK: You heard Davey. We're on strike.

DAVEY: Hold on. I didn't say—

JACK: We shut down this place like them workers shut down the trolleys.

FINCH: And the cops will bust our heads!

TOMMY BOY: Half of them strikers are laid up with broken bones.

JACK: Cops ain't gonna care about a bunch of kids. Right, Davey?

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