Chapter 16: The Refuge

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Crutchie had been brought into The Refuge. He didn't deserve it. He was going to try to protect Crutchie as much as he could. He and Oscar were supposed to be "watching" The Refuge kids. He went over to Crutchie. He looked up from the note he was writing and was startled. He was scared.

"Hey, it's ok. I'm not gonna hurt you. Are you ok?"

"Well, I've been soaked, and Snyder took my crutch. What do ya think?"

"Right. I feel bad for you. When Oscar was younger he was so fragile and helpless. You remind me of him. I want to help you as much as I can."

"Thanks. Oscar helpless?"

"Yeah. I had to teach him to build his tough shell so he stopped getting hurt."

"Who hurt y'all?"

"Our mother died when I was six, Oscar was five. Our father became mentally, emotionally, and physically abusive after her death. Kids at school bullied and beat us up. Even the teacher was horrible to us."

"Wow. So y'all have tragic backstories just like the Newsies do."


"So how'd you end up with Weasel?"

"Mr. Pulitzer found us passed out under a tree and decided to take us in."


"Yeah, he saved us just in time. If it wasn't for him, we'd be dead."



Oscar came over to me.

"Our work here is done."

"I'll see you tomorrow. Try to get some sleep tonight."

He nodded.


Wow. Morris is nice. Oscar fragile and helpless like me? The tragic backstory wasn't surprising. I'd always expected it had affected how they were now and I was right. I continued writing my letter to Jack.

Dear Jack. Greetings from The Refuge!
How are you? I'm ok. Guess I wasn't much help yesterday. Snyder soaked me real good with my crutch. Oh yeah, Jack! This is Crutchie by the way. These here guards are rude. They say, "Jump boy, ya jump, or ya screwed!" But the food ain't so bad least so far, cause so far they ain't brung us no food. HA. HA. I miss the rooftop! Sleeping right out in the open in your penthouse in the sky! There's a cool breeze blowing even in July. Anyway, so guess what! There's this secret escape plan I've got. Tie a sheet to the bed, toss the end out the window, climb down and take off like a shot! Maybe though, not tonight. I ain't slept, and my leg still ain't right! Hey, but Pulitzer...He's going down! Then, Jack, I was thinking we might just go like you were saying where it's clean and green, and pretty with no buildings in your way, Ridin palominos every day! Once that train makes...

"Shut it, crip!"

Damn this place.

I'll be fine. Good as new. But there's one thing I need ya to do. On the rooftop, you said that a family looks out for each other. So tell all the fellas from me, to protect one another!






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