Dude. What the Hell?

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Max's POV: 

I sat down in the chair that sailor teacher told me to. Who starts there class off like that, "Hey kids lets jump on a boat and voyage over a sea of knowledge! Dude, just stop. I set my bag onto the floor next to the desk. I was about to turn my dwindling attention to the pathetic teacher when I heard whispering, I turned my head and was met with four boys not so subtly staring at me.

The first one had brown, curly hair and a hat on top. Next to him, was a small boy, like 1/10 of Billy's size. He had a bowl cut... okay-um... the boy next to him was the one I met eyes with at the start of class- He had dark hair and his eyes were- getting off track okay. The last boy had raven colored hair and pretty pale skin. While the other boys were looking at me curiously he seemed to be glaring at me. Well, someone's in a great mood. 

Once they figured out I was staring back at them they all quickly turned, I looked back. Wow. They're great at first impressions, really. First thing I needed at the place was for four random 7th graders to be staring at me like I was diseased. Wait, were they looking at my cheek, if the makeup rubbed off I'm dead. I quickly pulled out a tiny mirror I had in my bad and the make up was left untouched. Then what were they looking at?

I was walking to my next class but the boys from before were still looking at me. Gross. I was about to walk into my next class but I wanted to send them a polite message the tell them to go the hell away. I pulled out a piece of paper and scribbled a message onto it. Perfect. 

I walked down to the next room and threw in into the nearest trashcan where I knew they would find it, considering they were standing no more than 30 feet away with binoculars . I walked up the step and sat in a new classroom being bored to death by every second of it.

I finished off my day by yelling at my history teacher and tripping Celeste, a preppy, cheery girl who tried to get me to sit with her at lunch. Wow Maxine! Great job! You know you're so friendly and approachable! No doubt by the end of the day you'll have a whole group of happy go lucky friends!! I sarcastically thought to myself. I walked back to Billy's car where he already had girls fawning over him. 

"Look at his hair, Lacey!" I heard a girl squeal on my way over.

"Thats nothing! Have you seen his jawline?" 

"Oh my gosh would you shut up?" I asked the girls who were practically jumping up and down to get my step-brother's attention. They turned to me and looked at me like I was some sort of bug that landed on their expensive school lunch.

"You just don't get it. Maybe you'll understand it when you get older!" One fake cheerily said.

"What I do understand is that your cakey makeup is melting in the sun, probably not what Billy's looking for in a girl, maybe try a more natural look." I flipped her of when I heard her shout a not so nick word in my direction. As I pushed through cars and annoying high schoolers I dreaded my meeting with Billy in his car. 

He's gonna be awful, no denying that. Just suck it up Maxine. I finally got through the maze of sweaty people to Billy's car. At least he would take me to the arcade today. I'd get to try some of the other games and give people a chance to beat my high score at Dig Dug. I stood outside the car wait for Billy to stop talking with the girls he wants to bag while I glared at all of them hoping for them to meet my gaze.  Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Billy walked back to the car. He glared at me and opened the door. He started up the car, smirking at the line of girls in front of the car who kept flirtatiously waving and inviting him to stay for summers at their lake houses. What the hell? 

We pulled out and he drove like a maniac down the road and to the arcade. 

I got continuously more angry with him until I couldn't handle it anymore, so I shouted over the loud music, "Could you please slow down?" He turned to me and glared with all his stupid face could muster. 

"Listen, Max!" He called, refusing to turn down the radio. "This is how things are going to work! I do what I want!" He declared, "And you stay the hell out of my way!" He seemed to drive even faster now that I had brought it up. 

"Why?" I called again, "So that you could run someone over? This is ridicu-" I was cut of as he grabbed my wrist and pulled up beside the arcade. 

"Shut up." He growled. I clenched my jaw, grabbed my bag and angrily opened the door. "And if you're so smart!" He called, "Why don't you figure out a way to get back too!" I slammed my door and flipped him off, anger radiating around me. He sped off cackling and I marched angrily into the arcade. I stomped around Keith and strait to Dig dug. I scooped the coins out of my pocket and began to play. I let all of my focus onto the game while pressing harshly on the buttons, who does he think he is? The Queen of England? He sure acted like it! 'Oh yeah! Don't mind me! I'm just going to land everyone in  a hospital because I think I can drive like a racoon on steroids and I'm so much better than you! Because that makes sense! And I get all the girls because I'm a male whore and I-' My train of thoughts were cut off when I felt eyes boring into my face. I looked over and saw two of the stalkers talking to each other, I couldn't tell what they were saying but they practically sprinted away when they saw me looking back. Weird.

After around and hour at the arcade I decided I should head home so I played one last round of galactica, bid Keith a goodnight by flipping him off and skating away. SO recap. I went to school. Mr. Clark is Delusional. Four boys are stalking me and apparently my note didn't properly tell them to leave me alone. Billy has the entire school obsessed with him and we argued in the car. He abandoned me at the arcade where the stalkers watched me from the window. So all around a fantastic day! Sarcasm heavily intended. 

I pushed off the ground to gain more speed as I rode past neighborhoods. Billy and Neil would be home but so would mom, not like she would be able to cancel them out but It was better than nothing. I finally arrived to my happy home with my happy family in this happy town. What a happy life has been assigned to me. I thought while I approached and already heard the arguing from the front room, I decided I'd take the window on a completely separate note and I walked around the house. I hoisted myself up the tree and climbed up the branches to the roof of the house. I stepped onto the roof with familiarity of which bricks would slide and which would not. I went for the ones that would not after a flip of a coin. I made my way to the window and carefully slid it open. I then proceeded to dump everything loudly on the floor because I'm so smart. I winced at the noise but exhaled in relief when the arguing hadn't died down. I kicked of my shoes and went to the bathroom. I washed off the make up and fully admired the amazing artwork that laid on my face. I then walked back to my room and laid on the tiny old bed. tomorrow would be different... Tomorrow was Halloween! That was actually not sarcasm! I loved Halloween but my excitement died down when I realized I had no one to go with , well thats fine. 

I tried to convince myself that it was nice to be alone while I changed into sweatpants and a loose t-shirt. Being lonely is great, with all of your thoughts as company and of course they constant fighting always kept you busy. Also who wants to have to constantly socialize? Gross.  But I knew deep down that I wouldn't be able to hold up this charade forever. I was lonely. really lonely. Maybe friends wouldn't be too bad.

1496 words

Thank you for reading and I promise I'll start to actually add Lumax scenes but I had to add some backstory for Max and I'm going to start adding other POVs too if you want I don't really know haha

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