1: A Lost Soul.

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"Good job, everyone!", Mr. Hong, our academy's music teacher, clapped his hands after we finished another run of Hosanna as he stood up with a bright smile on his face. I smiled to myself as I knew that we all did our best for our last practice. - And that we'd do even better on Friday.

Everyone's excited to welcome the school priest once again after ten years of being in Italy, serving the bright light behind the clouds. "Oh, and Ms. L/N?", he called as I turned around, taking my attention away from putting back the microphone stands into where they were placed before. "Yes?", I asked back, walking towards the teacher as he also made his way towards me. His eyes were glistening in joy and I was kind of confused about it.

"... Sir Hong?", I awkwardly called his name once again as he clasped his hands together. "So, Father Jiyoon is very excited to see the choir's performance, right?", Mr. Hong started with a question as I nodded in response, still clueless about what the context of this conversation was. "I want to introduce you to him because he's going to take two from the choir with him back to Italy for the next month and I know that your performance has always been outstanding! What do you say?"

I was out of words. - I didn't know Mr. Hong actually liked me as a vocalist.

Well, I do know that I worked hard for my voice to be good enough to listen to but it's just shocking. I mean, there are more vocalists here that can sound more powerful than me... And it's too unbelievable that Mr. Hong thought of me as one of the two vocalists that Father Jiyoon would take.

"But wouldn't I miss classes?", I asked, making sure that I wouldn't get in trouble. "Yes, you would but there's an online option and I'm sure Father Jiyoon would get that covered.", he replied, giving me a pat on the back.

"Do well, Y/N. The world would miss a lot if it hadn't heard your voice."

Those words were stuck in my head and I was startled, forgetting to even wave goodbye to Mr. Hong as I watched him talk to the event organizers for the special mass. I haven't met Father Jiyoon yet but he must've left a big impact on the people here at school.

They say he's the one who stays up at night the most just to send his prayers and that he's been the only priest who's done so much that almost every month, a miracle comes into his life. Well, while I didn't know anything about him except for his reputation and his face, their words made me feel moved and motivated.

Someday, I want to become like him. I know I'm not capable of being a priest but I just want to be someone who is a loyal servant for good.

I looked over to the left to see my fellow classmates muttering bitter words to themselves, tapping the tiles with their solid, black shoes while they sat on the church's pews like they didn't care about the fact that they were inside the academy's church.

This was one of the reasons why I didn't talk to them that much.

"Look, it's Y/N again. Teacher's pet!", Seungmin teased.
"She doesn't even know who Father Jiyoon is... What an attention-seeker.", Donghyuck laughed back.

I wanted to pretend as if their words didn't matter to me but... they actually did. I walked away from them, crossing my arms as I started to think of something else. Just think about the opportunities in Italy if you ever get an offer, Y/N. I'm sure there are nicer people in Italy.

"Hey, Y/N! Can you go get me my backpack? I left it in the practice room.", Taehyun called as I took a pause from walking away. They have been talking about me nonstop since I got here. Can't they just stop for once? I'm getting tired of this. "What if... I didn't want to?", I asked back, turning around to look at them as I heard them snicker.

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