6: A Dream To Live By.

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t/w: mentions sexual assault (the word "r*pe" is used), you don't have to read the chapter if you're uncomfortable.

Today happens to be a special day for the choir. Since tomorrow will be the grand, special mass, which was organized by Father Jiyoon and Mr. Hong, the school decided that it would be best for us to spend the rest of the day practicing our performances. — No classes or any other duties.

Just perfecting the service we prepared for the next day.

And that meant, we were all stuck inside the school's church for a few hours. I could still feel him lurking in my direction, still trying to find the right time to get me to talk to him. — I would never. Sunoo, a ghost stuck in this church for fifteen whole years, already warned me about him. Of course, I'd believe him. He can see almost everything.

Also... I really like him. And it's a lot more than a friend would.

"Hey, Y/N? I think Donghyuck has something to say to you.", Taehyun mumbled next to my ear as I turned to look behind my seat, seeing how the lovesick bully was glaring back at me. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him, turning to look back at the boy beside me. "I don't want to listen to him talk.", I responded as I chose to watch the others fix a few decorations around the altar instead of focusing on how to deal with Donghyuck. I didn't want to give him the attention he wanted.

It's over. Everything between us is over. Friendship? That's 101% done. But then, I felt his hand over my shoulder, not even an inch close to giving up.

"What do you want, Hyuck?", I snapped, agitated already.
"I mean, you're friends with Taehyun. Why can't you do the same to me?", he asked back.
"Are you Taehyun? No. Leave me alone.", I ended the conversation early.

I didn't even take a look at him. I couldn't look at him because of all that he did to me but maybe locking me up in that music room was a blessing after all. I wouldn't have known Sunoo if it wasn't for his irrational actions. He'll make fun of me but now, he wants to be friends with me again? Not in a million years.

Before he could even say something again, our music teacher and the school priest had walked into the aisle of the church, making their way in front of us as they looked like they were about to announce something urgent to us. — Not even a smile was shown on both of their faces. That's odd but it doesn't seem out of place.

God, I still can't forget what I heard yesterday.

"Good morning, everyone... but it seems that you can't see Sister Anji anymore.", Mr. Hong stated, causing a few gasps to come out from the rest of us. Well, everyone except for me since I was still fazed by those sounds I heard.

Those pleading screams... It felt like it was imprinted permanently in my head. "Sister Anji had already resigned from the school and will continue to serve God in the local church... Let's support her future endeavors by visiting her tomorrow after the mass, shall we?", Father Jiyoon continued, keeping a small smile on his face as we all nodded in response.

Ah, I'll miss Sister Anji. She was one of the nuns who kept giving Sunoo snacks even if they weren't able to see him... Wait a second. There's no reason for her to resign so early since she's the youngest out of every nun here unless something made her quit.

It can't be her.
Could it be her?

And as soon as our first round of rehearsals ended, I decided to make my way to the deepest corridors of the church, where no one was there. Well, just like what I've said earlier, Sunoo can almost see everything that's going on here. Maybe he knows something about what happened to Sister Anji... I knew I should've asked him about it yesterday — But I chose to run away from it like a coward.

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