5: Vessel of Darkness.

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"And that's a wrap! You may now go back to your afternoon classes and let's start again from the beginning right after.", Mr. Hong had announced as all of us breathed out in relief, satisfied with how we sounded during our rehearsal. I took the bottle of water from my seat, twisting it open as I drank from it.

I was planning to stay quiet for the rest of the day as the special mass was already near. Of course, I didn't want my voice to sound bad or hurt because I'm only doing this to praise the one who gave me this gift in the first place — The gift of music.

Closing the water bottle shut, I could feel someone staring at me yet again but for the first time, I didn't feel safe at all. Well, I chose to ignore it anyway since the day was already flowing a bit better than before. The fact that Taehyun and I are finally on good terms was enough for me to know that things might get better for me soon, especially the fact that Father Jiyoon wanted the two of us to come with him to Italy.

Well, that's what I thought.

It didn't take long for me to catch the stare of that rascal, who seemed to be waiting for his chance to talk to me. I don't like using the word 'hate' but I hate Donghyuck... so much. And I guess ignoring his attempts in trying to rebuild that friendship between us can be pathetic. I'm sure he feels glad whenever I just glance his way.

I do hate him. I hate every single thing about him and I hate that he's still around me, doing things that I hate.

My surrounding hatred towards him made me run away from the church, heading to the classroom immediately as I could feel him going after me. It felt like I was being chased by a rabid animal, who wanted to bite me. I can't deal with his bullshit anymore. Why can't he just stop and leave me alone?

"Fucking hell, Y/N, can't you just listen to me?!"

I heard him yell from the other side of the room as I began to pack my backpack. I don't think I can even attend my afternoon classes. He makes me feel so sick of myself and I don't know what to do anymore. "I told you to leave me alone. Can't you see that I'm so tired of having to deal with you every single day?! I just don't want to be friends with you anymore, Hyuck!", I yelled at him, causing the rest of our classmates to glare at us as if we were being overly dramatic about our situation.

They'll never know what it's like to be humiliated by an old friend.

"I love you! And I still want to be with you...", he admitted as I took a pause from packing my backpack, thinking about what he just said deeply. Even if I absolutely hated saying it, I did love him — I did love Donghyuck with all of my heart but things have already changed and I don't feel the same way anymore. How could I ever love him after everything? He's done nothing but break me.

He already broke me.

As I turned around to face him, I grabbed my backpack and tightened one of its straps. Today, I chose not to let his words get into my head once again. "And I don't.", I sternly said back as I walked away, leaving him behind just like what he did before. Sure, there's so much anger that I feel and maybe it's wrong of me to yell at him in front of everyone else but I can't bear with seeing him. Donghyuck even thought that I'd give him a chance... That's stupid.

And so, I walked into the empty library, keeping my head down as I asked myself if that was even worth doing. Well, I don't even know the reason why he did all of that to me last year and even until now. Does he think that I'm just this option he can always choose whenever things don't go his way? That's funny of him to think.

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